don't we need to return _app.tsx in index.tsx file like react.js?

Kyle_Kim·2023년 6월 25일

In React.js, the convention is to return the root component (usually named App) from the index.js file using the ReactDOM.render() function. However, in Next.js, which is a framework built on top of React, the file structure and conventions are slightly different.

In a Next.js application, the entry point is typically the _app.js (or _app.tsx) file, which serves as the main wrapper component for your entire application. It is responsible for initializing global styles, setting up the layout, and handling any shared functionality across pages.

In the index.js (or index.tsx) file, you don't need to explicitly return the _app.js component. Instead, Next.js handles this internally. The index.js file usually represents the default page of your application, and Next.js automatically associates it with the _app.js component.

Here's an example of a typical Next.js directory structure:

  |_ _app.js
  |_ index.js

In this case, the _app.js file would contain the root component, and the index.js file would be the default page that Next.js associates with the _app.js component.

So, to answer your question, in Next.js, you don't need to explicitly return the _app.js component from the index.js file. Next.js handles the integration of the root component internally.

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