Data Structures & Algorithms Review

JunePyo Suh·2020년 8월 15일

Adopted and summarized from Columbia University COMS W3251 Professor Bauer's class

Graph Traversals

Depth First Search (uses Stack)

Single-source shortest paths

protected Set<Node> marked;
protected Graph graph;

public DepthFirstSearch(Graph graphToSearch) {
	marked = new HashSet<Node>();
	graph = graphToSearch;

public boolean dfs(Node start, String elementToFind) {
		if (start.getElement().equals(elementToFind)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			for (Node neighbor : graph.getNodeNeighbors(start)) {
				if (!marked.contains(neighbor) && 
				    dfs(neighbor, elementToFind)
                    			return true;
			return false;

Breadth First Search (uses Queue)

Basic pseudocode for graph traversal

Queue q
Set visited

while (q is not empty):
	u = q.dequeue()
	for each v adjacent to u:
		if (v is not in visited):

Single-source unweighted shortest paths

Using "cost" attribute of each vertex to store distances

public void unweighted_shortest_paths(V start) {
        LinkedList<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<>(); 
        Vertex startv = vertices.get(start);
        startv.cost = 0 ; 
        startv.discovered = true; 
        queue.addLast(startv);  // add start vertex 
        while (queue.size() > 0 ) {  // as long as the queue is not empty
            Vertex u = queue.pollFirst();  // Visit u
            for (Edge uv : u.adjacent ){   // Discover v
                Vertex v =; 
                if (!v.discovered) {       // if v has not been seen before
                    v.cost = u.cost + 1;   // set cost 
                    v.prev = u;            // set reference to previous vertex on shortest path
                    v.discovered = true; 
                    queue.addLast(v);      // add v to the queue.    

Using HashMap to store distances

public int bfsDistance(Node start, string elementToFind) {
	HashMap<Node, Integer> distances = new HashMap<Node, Integer>();
        Queue<Node> toExplore = new LinkedList<Node>();        
        Set<Node> marked = new HashSet<Node>();
        distances.put(start, 0);
        while (!toExplore.isEmpty()) {
            Node current = toExplore.remove();
            for (Node neighbor : graph.getNodeNeighbors(current)) {
                if (!marked.contains(neighbor)) {
                    distances.put(neighbor, distances.get(current) + 1);
                    if (neighbor.getElement().equals(elementToFind)) {
                        return distances.get(neighbor);
        return -1;

Topological Sort for Directed Acyclic Graphs (using LinkedList, BFS approach)

protected Map<V, Vertex> vertices; 

private void compute_indegrees() {
      for (Vertex u : vertices.values()) {          
          for (Edge uv : u.adjacent)  {
              Vertex v =; 
              v.indegree += 1; 

public List<V> topo_sort() {
       ArrayList<V> sort = new ArrayList<>(); 
       LinkedList<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<>(); 
       // compute indegrees
       // Add all vertices with indegree 0 to queue. 
       for (Vertex u : vertices.values()) {
           if (u.indegree == 0)
       // Main loop of topological sort
       while (queue.size() > 0) {         
           Vertex u = queue.pollFirst(); // dequeue first element 
           for (Edge uv : u.adjacent) {
               Vertex v =; 
               if (--v.indegree == 0)
       return sort; 

Earliest Completion Time with Topological Sort

  • Earliest completion time for each vertex is the same as the magnitude of the longest distance to reach the vertex (because any of the incoming path has to be completed in order for the work in the target vertex to be completed)
  • While the queue is not empty, dequeue a vertex, decrement the indegree of its adjacent nodes. Then update earliest completion time for each adjacent node (possibly using an if statement to compare whether the incoming edge results in maximum path currently recorded for the target vertex)

Dijkstra's Algorithm for Weighted Shortest Path (using heap, BFS approach)

  • Keep nodes on a priority queue and always expand the vertex with the lowest cost annotation first (adopting the greedy algorithm approach)


for all v:
	v.cost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
	v.visited = false
	v.prev = null

start.cost = 0
PriorityQueue q

while (q is not empty):
	u = q.pollMin() // visit vertex u
	u.visited = true
	// discover and relax vertex v
	for each v adjacent to u:
		if not v.visted:
			c = u.cost + cost(u,v)
			if (c < v.cost):
				v.cost = c
				v.prev = u

Minimuim Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm

  • Another greedy algorithm that is a slight variation of Dijkstra's algorithm.


for all v:
	v.cost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
	v.visited = false
	v.prev = null

start.cost = 0
PriorityQueue q

while (q is not empty):
	u = q.pollMin() // visit vertex u
	u.visited = true
	// discover and relax vertex v
	for each v adjacent to u:
		if not v.visted:
			if (cost(u,v) < v.cost):
				v.cost = cost(u,v)
				v.prev = u

Runtime Summary

BFS : O( |V|+|E| )

Topological Sort : O( |V|+|E| )

Dijkstra : O( |E| log|E| ) = O( |E| log|V| )

  • |E| insert + deleteMin operations
  • Each insertion takes O(log|E|)
  • |E| <= |V|^2 always

Prim's algorithm : Same as Dijkstra


  • getMin() / getMax() in O(1)
  • inserting N items to a heap in O(N)
  • Heap sort --> O(N log N)

Heap as an array representation

  • leftChild(i) = 2i
  • rightChild(i) = 2i + 1
  • parent(i) = floor(i/2)

Heap property

  • The values of all nodes in the subtree rooted in n are gerater or equal than the value of n (for min-heap)


  • insert at the last array position
  • if heap order property is violated, percholate the value up

percholate up

  • swap the value in the hole and value in the parent cell
  • if heap order is still violated, continue until correct position is found


  • remove root
  • try placing the last item in the heap into the root
  • if heap order is violated, percholate the value down
    - swap with smaller child in every level until correct position is found


  • O(N)
  • start with an unordered array and restore heap property bottom-up
public void buildHeap( ) {
  		// start evaluating heap property from the lowest level
        for( int i = currentSize / 2; i > 0; i-- )
            percolateDown( i );

private void percolateDown( int hole ) {
        int child;
        T tmp = array[ hole ];

        boolean done = false; 
        while (!done && hole * 2 <= currentSize) {
            // Select the index of the smaller child 
			child = hole * 2; // left child 
			if( child != currentSize && // is there a right child?
			    array[ child + 1 ].compareTo( array[ child ] ) < 0 ) // right child < left child?
				child++; // if so, let child point to the right child index 
			if( array[ child ].compareTo( tmp ) < 0 ) {
			    array[ hole ] = array[ child ];
                hole = child; 
		array[ hole ] = tmp;

Heap Sort

  • Convert an unordered array into a heap in O(N) time (Heapify)
  • Perform N deleteMin operations to retrieve the elements in sorted order
    - each deleteMin is O(log N)
    • total : O (N log N)
  • To minimize space complexity, instead of using a second array to store the output, re-use the freed space after each deleteMin

Selection Problem

  • selecting the k-th largest number from a sequence of N numbers

Option 1 w/ Max-Heap

  • build a Max-Heap in O(N), then call deleteMax() k times
  • Total: O(N log N)

Option 2 w/ Min-Heap

  • build a Min-Heap in O(k) for only the first k unordered elements
  • iterate through the rest of the sequence (N-k elements)
    - if a number is larger than the root of the heap, remove the root of the heap and insert the new number into the heap, which takes O(log K)
  • Total : O(N log k)

Sorting Algorithms

  • A sorting algorithm is stable if the relative order of duplicate items in the input is preserved

Merge Sort

Merging Sorted Sublists

Merge Sorting

Quick Sort

Partitioning the Subarrays

Choosing the Pivot

  • computing the pivot should be a constant time
  • choose a random element for the pivot, or "median-of-three" (choosing the element at the beginning / end / middle is a terrible idea)

Median of Three

Runtime Analysis

Hash Table

Collision Resolution Strategies

(hash(x) + f(i)) % TableSize

  • linear probing : f(i) = i
  • quadratic probing : f(i) = i^2

Quadratic Probing Theorem

If TableSize is prime, then the first TableSize/2 cells visited by quadratic probing are distinct.
Therefore we can always find an empty cell if the table is at most half full.

Double hashing

f(i) = i * hash2(x)

  • Compute a second hash function to determine a linear offset for this key
  • A good choice for integers is hash2(x) = R - (x % R)

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