7. Segmentation

이영규·2023년 12월 12일


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Summary of last class

  • Address space

    • illision that the program has its own private memory, where its own code and data reside
  • Address Translation

    • Changing the virtual address to a physical address
  • Hardware support

    • Privileged mode (user / kernel)
    • Base / bounds registers (시작점, 범위를 저장하는 레지스터)
    • Ability to translate virtual address and check if within bounds
    • Privileged instructions to update base / bounds
    • Privileged instructions to register exception handlers
    • Ability to raise exceptions
  • OS Issues

    • Memory management
    • Base / bounds management
    • Exception handling

    사용중인 물리메모리를 알아야하고, 범위를 벗어나는지 등의 예외를 처리해야하고 context swich 상황에서 값을 셋팅하고 저장할 수 있어야 한다.


Base and Bounding

  • base and bounds registers

  • Big chunk of 'Free' space

    • Taking up physical memory when we relocate the entire address space somewhere in physical memory
    • Hard to run a program when the entire address space doesn't fit into memory

    안 쓰는 공간, 빈 공간이 너무 크면 바로바로 찾아내기 어려울 수 있다.

How to Support a Large Address Space

  • How do we support a large address space with a lot of free space between the stack and the heap?

    (E.g., 32-bit address space : 4GB)

    스택공간과 힙공간을 쌓여가는 거라 미리 공간을 비워놓는데 이 부분이 굉장히 크다. 좀더 효율적으로 관리할 수 있을까?


  • Segment

    • A contiguous portion of the address space of a particular length
      • E.g., code stack, heap
    • Each of which has a base and bounds pair

    원래 연속적이던 공간을 segment 라는 단위로 자르면서 굳이 연속, 순서적일 필요가 없어짐. 정해진 bounds 가 있음.

    또한 사용되는 곳만 할당을 할거라 메모리 효율성이 늘어난다.

Example : Relocation

안 쓰는 공간을 좀 더 줄였다.

Example : Address Translation

Which segment are we referring to?

  • Explicit approach

    • Chops up the address space into segments based on the top few bits of the virtual address

    • Example : 14-bits addressing (16 KB address space)

- 00 : code segment
- 01 : heap segment
- 11 : stack segment
- One segment (10) of the address space goes unused
  - Some systems use only one bit (put code in the same segment as the heap)

> segment 부분에서 0 으로 시작하면 code + heap
> 1로 시작하면 stack 영역이다.
  • Example : 14 - bit addressing (16KB address space)

  • Max size of each segment 4KB - heap영역이 4KB 부터 시작한 이유, code공간 여유를 위해

    • Offset : 12bits / 2^10 4 = 1KB 4
  • Address 4200

  • Address 7KB

  • Address translation (by hardware)

SEG_MASK 에서 한 칸당 4bit로 표현, 0x3000 - 3은 세그먼트, 000은 12bit

What about the Stack?

  • Hardware also nedds to know which way the segment grows

    • Example

      • A bit is set to 1 when the segment grows in the positive direction, and 0 for negative

  • Address translation

    • Example : accessing virtual addresss 15KB

Support for Sharing

  • Code sharing

    • To save memory, sometimes it is useful to share certain memory segments between address spaces

      • Code segment
    • Protection bits

- By setting a code segment to read-only, the same code can be shared across multiple processes
  • In addition to checking whether a virtual addresss is within bounds, the hardware also has to check whether a particular access is permissible

hardware는 bounds 뿐만 아니라 Protection도 같이 확인하게 된다.

Fine-grained vs Coarse-grained

  • Coarse - grained segmentation

    • Code, stack, and heap

    1bit / 0 -> heap, code 1 -> stacak

    2bit / 00 code 01 heap , 11 stack

  • Fine - grained segmentation

    • Supporting many segments requires even further hardware support
      • Segment table

segment 종류가 많아지면 종류가 명시된 table이 필요하고 register가 필요해진다.

OS Support

  • Context switch

    • Segment registers must be saved and restored

    모든 상황에 대해 잘 저장하고 있어야 한다.

  • Managing free space in physical memory

    • When a new address space is created, the OS has to be able to find space in physical memory for its segments
      • Now, we have a number of segments per process, and each segment might be a different size
    • External fragmentation
      • Physical memory quickly becomes full of little holes of free space, making it difficult to allocate new segments
  • Physical memory compaction

virtual -> physical 이동은 크게 어렵지 않다.

하지만 중간중간 빈 곳을 모으기 메모리공간을 정렬시킬때는 base위치도 달라지고 모든 데이터를 copy해야 하기 때문에 큰 runtime이 생긴다. 효율적이긴 하지만 실행하기에 너무 시간이 걸린다.

  • free-list management algorithms

  • Best-fit - 가장 남는 공간이 적은, 할당할 공간과 비슷한 크기로 배정

  • Worst-fit - 가장 큰 공간에 배정

  • First-fit - 주소순으로 빈 공간을 찾으면 배정

  • Buddy algorithm - paging

    free 공간들을 linked list 로 관리.


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