# 문제 [ New Companies ]
write a query to print the
founder name,
total number of lead managers,
total number of senior managers,
total number of managers,
total number of employees.
1차 답
select com.company_code, com.founder, count(sm.lead_manager_code), count(sm.senior_manager_code), count(m.senior_manager_code), count(e.employee_code)
from Company as com
left join Senior_Manager as sm
on com.company_code = sm.company_code
left join Manager as m
on sm.company_code = m.company_code
left join Employee as e
on m.company_code = e.company_code
group by com.company_code, com.founder
오류 원인 : 중복됨을 알 수 있다.
수정된 답
select com.company_code, com.founder, count(distinct sm.lead_manager_code), count(distinct sm.senior_manager_code), count(distinct m.manager_code), count(distinct e.employee_code)
from Company as com
right join Senior_Manager as sm
on com.company_code = sm.company_code
right join Manager as m
on sm.company_code = m.company_code
right join Employee as e
on m.company_code = e.company_code
group by com.company_code, com.founder
order by com.company_code asc;
2차 수정된 답 ( 1차 답은 join 연산이 많아서 그런지 시간이 오래 걸림 // 걍 해커랭커 서버가 느린듯 하다. )
select com.company_code, com.founder, count(distinct e.lead_manager_code), count(distinct e.senior_manager_code), count(distinct e.manager_code), count(distinct e.employee_code)
from Company as com
-- right join Senior_Manager as sm
-- on com.company_code = sm.company_code
-- right join Manager as m
-- on sm.company_code = m.company_code
right join Employee as e
on com.company_code = e.company_code
group by com.company_code, com.founder
order by com.company_code asc;
Write a query to find the maximum total earnings
for all employees as well as the total number of employees
who have maximum total earnings
select E.months * E.salary as earn , count(*)
from Employee as E
group by earn
order by earn desc
limit 1
내가 했던 실수 or 어려웠던 점
1. E.months * E.salary as earn 부분을 괄호처리 하니 syntax 에러
2. E.months * E.salary as earn 라고 써도 될까? 했는데 됐다.
Query the following two values from the STATION table:
The sum of all values in LAT_N rounded to a scale of 2 decimal places.
The sum of all values in LONG_W rounded to a scale of 2 decimal places.
select round(sum(LAT_N),2), round(sum(LONG_W),2)
Query the sum of Northern Latitudes (LAT_N) from STATION
having values greater than and less than .
Truncate your answer to decimal places.
정답 ( 처음에 group by & having 쓰려고 했는데 필요가 없없다 )
select round(sum(LAT_N),4)
-- group by LAT_N
AND LAT_N > 38.7880
AND LAT_N < 137.2345
Write a query to output the names of those students
whose best friends got offered a higher salary than them.
Names must be ordered by the salary amount offered to the best friends.
It is guaranteed that no two students got same salary offer.
select s.Name -- , p.Salary, f.Friend_ID,friend_salary.f_salary
from Students s
left join Packages p
on s.ID = p.ID
left join Friends f
on f.ID = s.ID
left join (
select F.Friend_ID as f_id , P.Salary as f_salary
from Friends as F
left join Packages as P
on F.Friend_ID = P.ID
) friend_salary
on f.Friend_ID = friend_salary.f_id
where p.Salary < friend_salary.f_salary
order by friend_salary.f_salary
헷갈렸던 포인트
1. 서브쿼리의 select F.Friend_ID as f_id 부분에서 F.ID 로 해서 에러의 원인이었다.
2. 사실 서브쿼리를 짤 필요는 없는데, 생각하기 쉬워서 서브쿼리로 진행했다.
걍 중급 이상으로 필터 걸고 문제 풀어야 겠다. 한 3~4 문제가 남아 있다.