[React] Get ready for React !

soor.dev·2021년 5월 5일


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I was looking for learning react since I started learning programming. The only reason why is that I just liked the logo! Yes! the blue one :) Isn't it so cool? I'm so excited to get into React world even if I've been in so many troubles so far.. anyways,

These are the first steps for meeting React. We must understand & have ideas of ES6 before React.


1️⃣ Destructuring

2️⃣ Spread operator

3️⃣ Rest parameters

4️⃣ Default parameters

5️⃣ Template literals

6️⃣ Arrow function

7️⃣ For - of loop


1. should be in one element.

2. When applying JS code, it should be in {}.

3. 'if' is not able to be used in JSX. Use Ternary operator insteads.

4. Use className to give class.

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