[HackerRank/SQL] Alternative Queries
Draw The Triangle 1
P(R) represents a pattern drawn by Julia in R rows. The following pattern represents P(5):
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Write a query to print the pattern P(20).
Problem explanation
SET @number = 21을 하는 이유는 21-1로 select구문이 시작되어 첫번째 별들이 20개가 나오도록 하기 위함 repeat구문을 통해 21에서 1씩 반복해서 빼며 출력해줌 문제에서 P(20)까지 구하라고 했으므로, LIMIT 20사용 '@set = ' 활용 Repeat 대입연산자 ':='
SET @number = 21; SELECT REPEAT('* ', @number := @number - 1) FROM information_schema. tables LIMIT 20;
Draw The Triangle 2
P(R) represents a pattern drawn by Julia in R rows. The following pattern represents P(5):
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Write a query to print the pattern P(20).
Problem explanation
repeat('* ', @NUMB := @NUMB + 1)을 통해 NUMB를 반복하며 1씩 증가 '* '사용하기 - 뒤에 빈칸도 함께 기재
set @NUMB = 0; select repeat('* ', @NUMB := @NUMB + 1) from information_schema.tables LIMIT 20;
Print Prime Numbers
Write a query to print all prime numbers less than or equal to 1000. Print your result on a single line, and use the ampersand (&) character as your separator (instead of a space).
For example, the output for all prime numbers ≤ 10 would be:
Problem explanation
1.문제는 1000 보다 작은 숫자 중 소수를 찾는 것이다. =>소수를 구한 후, &를 이용해 출력 소수:1과 자기 자신으로만 나누어지는 수 (1은 아님,2부터)
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(NUMB SEPARATOR '&') FROM ( SELECT @num:=@num+1 as NUMB FROM information_schema.tables t1, information_schema.tables t2, (SELECT @num:=1) tmp ) tempNum WHERE NUMB<=1000 AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT @nu:=@nu+1 as NUMA FROM information_schema.tables t1, information_schema.tables t2, (SELECT @nu:=1) tmp1 LIMIT 1000 ) tatata WHERE FLOOR(NUMB/NUMA)=(NUMB/NUMA) AND NUMA<NUMB AND NUMA>1 );