TypeScript - TypeScript Exercises

이소라·2023년 2월 16일


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Exercise 1

  • Given the data, define the interface "User" and use it accordingly.


  • keyword : type
  • users 데이터를 기반으로 User 타입을 정의했습니다.
export type User = {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

export const users: User[] = [
        name: 'Max Mustermann',
        age: 25,
        occupation: 'Chimney sweep'
        name: 'Kate Müller',
        age: 23,
        occupation: 'Astronaut'

export function logPerson(user: User) {
    console.log(` - ${user.name}, ${user.age}`);


Exercise 2

  • Type "Person" is missing, please define it and use it in persons array and logPerson function in order to fix all the TS errors.


  • keywords : Union type
  • Union 타입을 사용하여 User 또는 Admin 타입을 가진 Person 타입을 표현했습니다.
interface User {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

export type Person = User | Admin;

export const persons: Person[] /* <- Person[] */ = [
        name: 'Max Mustermann',
        age: 25,
        occupation: 'Chimney sweep'
        name: 'Jane Doe',
        age: 32,
        role: 'Administrator'
        name: 'Kate Müller',
        age: 23,
        occupation: 'Astronaut'
        name: 'Bruce Willis',
        age: 64,
        role: 'World saver'

export function logPerson(user: Person) {
    console.log(` - ${user.name}, ${user.age}`);


Exercise 3

  • Fix type errors in logPerson function.
    • logPerson function should accept both User and Admin and should output relevant information according to the input: occupation for User and role for Admin.


  • keyword : in Operator
  • in 연산자를 사용하여 role property를 가진 Admin 타입을 타입 가드했습니다.
interface User {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

export type Person = User | Admin;

export const persons: Person[] = [
        name: 'Max Mustermann',
        age: 25,
        occupation: 'Chimney sweep'
        name: 'Jane Doe',
        age: 32,
        role: 'Administrator'
        name: 'Kate Müller',
        age: 23,
        occupation: 'Astronaut'
        name: 'Bruce Willis',
        age: 64,
        role: 'World saver'

export function logPerson(person: Person) {
    let additionalInformation: string;
    if ('role' in person) {
        additionalInformation = person.role;
    } else {
        additionalInformation = person.occupation;
    console.log(` - ${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${additionalInformation}`);


Exercise 4

  • Figure out how to help TypeScript understand types in this situation and apply necessary fixes.


  • keyword : is Operator
  • is 연산자를 사용하여 Person 타입이 User 타입 또는 Admin 타입이라고 단언하여 사용했습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

export type Person = User | Admin;

export const persons: Person[] = [
    { type: 'user', name: 'Max Mustermann', age: 25, occupation: 'Chimney sweep' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 32, role: 'Administrator' },
    { type: 'user', name: 'Kate Müller', age: 23, occupation: 'Astronaut' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Bruce Willis', age: 64, role: 'World saver' }

export function isAdmin(person: Person) : person is Admin {
    return person.type === 'admin';

export function isUser(person: Person) : person is User {
    return person.type === 'user';

export function logPerson(person: Person) {
    let additionalInformation: string = '';
    if (isAdmin(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.role;
    if (isUser(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.occupation;
    console.log(` - ${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${additionalInformation}`);




Exercise 5

  • Without duplicating type structures, modify filterUsers function definition so that we can pass only those criteria which are needed, and not the whole User information as it is required now according to typing.
    • Higher difficulty bonus exercise:
      • Exclude "type" from filter criterias.


  • keywords : Partial type, Omit type
  • Omit 타입을 사용하여 type을 제거했고, Partial 타입을 사용하여 criteria가 Person의 부분적인 타입임을 나타냈습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

export type Person = User | Admin;

export const persons: Person[] = [
    { type: 'user', name: 'Max Mustermann', age: 25, occupation: 'Chimney sweep' },
        type: 'admin',
        name: 'Jane Doe',
        age: 32,
        role: 'Administrator'
        type: 'user',
        name: 'Kate Müller',
        age: 23,
        occupation: 'Astronaut'
        type: 'admin',
        name: 'Bruce Willis',
        age: 64,
        role: 'World saver'
        type: 'user',
        name: 'Wilson',
        age: 23,
        occupation: 'Ball'
        type: 'admin',
        name: 'Agent Smith',
        age: 23,
        role: 'Administrator'

export const isAdmin = (person: Person): person is Admin => person.type === 'admin';
export const isUser = (person: Person): person is User => person.type === 'user';

export function logPerson(person: Person) {
    let additionalInformation = '';
    if (isAdmin(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.role;
    if (isUser(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.occupation;
    console.log(` - ${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${additionalInformation}`);

export function filterUsers(persons: Person[], criteria: Partial<Omit<User, 'type'>>): User[] {
    return persons.filter(isUser).filter((user) => {
        const criteriaKeys = Object.keys(criteria) as (keyof User)[];
        return criteriaKeys.every((fieldName) => {
            return user[fieldName] === criteria[fieldName];

console.log('Users of age 23:');

        age: 23

Exercise 6

  • Fix typing for the filterPersons so that it can filter users and return User[] when personType='user' and return Admin[] when personType='admin'. Also filterPersons should accept partial User/Admin type according to the personType.
  • criteria argument should behave according to the personType argument value. type field is not allowed in the criteria field.
    • Higher difficulty bonus exercise:
      • Implement a function getObjectKeys() which returns more convenient result for any argument given, so that you don't need to cast it.
      • let criteriaKeys = getObjectKeys(criteria);


  • keywords : Function Overload, Generic type
  • function overload를 사용하여 personType이 'user'일 때와 'admin'일 때의 타입을 선언해줄 수 있습니다.
  • 함수에 generic 타입을 사용하여 인수로 받은 객체 타입을 함수 내부에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

export type Person = User | Admin;

export const persons: Person[] = [
    { type: 'user', name: 'Max Mustermann', age: 25, occupation: 'Chimney sweep' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 32, role: 'Administrator' },
    { type: 'user', name: 'Kate Müller', age: 23, occupation: 'Astronaut' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Bruce Willis', age: 64, role: 'World saver' },
    { type: 'user', name: 'Wilson', age: 23, occupation: 'Ball' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Agent Smith', age: 23, role: 'Anti-virus engineer' }

export function logPerson(person: Person) {
        ` - ${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${person.type === 'admin' ? person.role : person.occupation}`

function getObjectKeys<T>(obj: T) {
    return Object.keys(obj) as (keyof T)[]

export function filterPersons(person: Person[], personType: 'user', criteria: Partial<Exclude<User, 'type'>>): User[];
export function filterPersons(person: Person[], personType: 'admin', criteria: Partial<Exclude<Admin, 'type'>>): Admin[];
export function filterPersons(persons: Person[], personType: 'user'|'admin', criteria: Partial<Person>): Person[] {
    return persons
        .filter((person) => person.type === personType)
        .filter((person) => {
            let criteriaKeys = getObjectKeys(criteria);
            return criteriaKeys.every((fieldName) => {
                return person[fieldName] === criteria[fieldName];

export const usersOfAge23 = filterPersons(persons, 'user', { age: 23 });
export const adminsOfAge23 = filterPersons(persons, 'admin', { age: 23 });

console.log('Users of age 23:');


console.log('Admins of age 23:');

Exercise 7

  • Implement swap which receives 2 persons and returns them in the reverse order. The function itself is already there, actually. We just need to provide it with proper types.
  • Also this function shouldn't necessarily be limited to just Person types, lets type it so that it works with any two types specified.


  • keywords : Generic type, Tuple type
  • generic을 사용해서 인수로 받은 타입과 상관없이 타입의 위치가 바뀐 배열을 반환할 수 있습니다.
  • 배열에 여러 타입의 원소가 들어갈 경우, tuple 타입을 사용하여 표현할 수 있습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

function logUser(user: User) {
    const pos = users.indexOf(user) + 1;
    console.log(` - #${pos} User: ${user.name}, ${user.age}, ${user.occupation}`);

function logAdmin(admin: Admin) {
    const pos = admins.indexOf(admin) + 1;
    console.log(` - #${pos} Admin: ${admin.name}, ${admin.age}, ${admin.role}`);

const admins: Admin[] = [
        type: 'admin',
        name: 'Will Bruces',
        age: 30,
        role: 'Overseer'
        type: 'admin',
        name: 'Steve',
        age: 40,
        role: 'Steve'

const users: User[] = [
        type: 'user',
        name: 'Moses',
        age: 70,
        occupation: 'Desert guide'
        type: 'user',
        name: 'Superman',
        age: 28,
        occupation: 'Ordinary person'

export function swap<T,U>(v1:T, v2:U):[U,T] {
    return [v2, v1];

function test1() {
    const [secondUser, firstAdmin] = swap(admins[0], users[1]);

function test2() {
    const [secondAdmin, firstUser] = swap(users[0], admins[1]);

function test3() {
    const [secondUser, firstUser] = swap(users[0], users[1]);

function test4() {
    const [firstAdmin, secondAdmin] = swap(admins[1], admins[0]);

function test5() {
    const [stringValue, numericValue] = swap(123, 'Hello World');
    console.log(` - String: ${stringValue}`);
    console.log(` - Numeric: ${numericValue}`);

[test1, test2, test3, test4, test5].forEach((test) => test());

Exercise 8

  • Define type PowerUser which should have all fields from both User and Admin (except for type), and also have type 'powerUser' without duplicating all the fields in the code.


  • keyword : Interface, extends operator / Type, & operator
  • User와 Admin이 interface로 정의되었기 때문에, 코드의 일관성을 위해 PowerUser를 interface로 정의했습니다.
  • interface의 경우, extends 연산자를 사용하여 타입을 결합할 수 있습니다.
  • type의 경우, & 연산자를 사용하여 타입을 결합할 수 있습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

interface PowerUser extends Omit<User, 'type'>, Omit<Admin, 'type'> {
    type: 'powerUser';
// type PowerUser = Omit<User, 'type'> & Omit<Admin, 'type'> & { type: 'powerUser'}

export type Person = User | Admin | PowerUser;

export const persons: Person[] = [
    { type: 'user', name: 'Max Mustermann', age: 25, occupation: 'Chimney sweep' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 32, role: 'Administrator' },
    { type: 'user', name: 'Kate Müller', age: 23, occupation: 'Astronaut' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Bruce Willis', age: 64, role: 'World saver' },
        type: 'powerUser',
        name: 'Nikki Stone',
        age: 45,
        role: 'Moderator',
        occupation: 'Cat groomer'

function isAdmin(person: Person): person is Admin {
    return person.type === 'admin';

function isUser(person: Person): person is User {
    return person.type === 'user';

function isPowerUser(person: Person): person is PowerUser {
    return person.type === 'powerUser';

export function logPerson(person: Person) {
    let additionalInformation: string = '';
    if (isAdmin(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.role;
    if (isUser(person)) {
        additionalInformation = person.occupation;
    if (isPowerUser(person)) {
        additionalInformation = `${person.role}, ${person.occupation}`;
    console.log(`${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${additionalInformation}`);





console.log('Power users:');

Exercise 9

  • Remove UsersApiResponse and AdminsApiResponse types and use generic type ApiResponse in order to specify API response formats for each of the functions.


  • keyword : Generic type
  • generic 타입을 사용하여 응답 데이터의 타입에 상관없이 응답 타입을 정의할 수 있습니다.
interface User {
    type: 'user';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    occupation: string;

interface Admin {
    type: 'admin';
    name: string;
    age: number;
    role: string;

type Person = User | Admin;

const admins: Admin[] = [
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 32, role: 'Administrator' },
    { type: 'admin', name: 'Bruce Willis', age: 64, role: 'World saver' }

const users: User[] = [
    { type: 'user', name: 'Max Mustermann', age: 25, occupation: 'Chimney sweep' },
    { type: 'user', name: 'Kate Müller', age: 23, occupation: 'Astronaut' }

export type ApiResponse<T> = (
        status: 'success';
        data: T;
    } |
        status: 'error';
        error: string;

export function requestAdmins(callback: (response: ApiResponse<Admin[]>) => void) {
        status: 'success',
        data: admins

export function requestUsers(callback: (response: ApiResponse<User[]>) => void) {
        status: 'success',
        data: users

export function requestCurrentServerTime(callback: (response: ApiResponse<number>) => void) {
        status: 'success',
        data: Date.now()

export function requestCoffeeMachineQueueLength(callback: (response: ApiResponse<number>) => void) {
        status: 'error',
        error: 'Numeric value has exceeded Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.'

function logPerson(person: Person) {
        ` - ${person.name}, ${person.age}, ${person.type === 'admin' ? person.role : person.occupation}`

function startTheApp(callback: (error: Error | null) => void) {
    requestAdmins((adminsResponse) => {
        if (adminsResponse.status === 'success') {
        } else {
            return callback(new Error(adminsResponse.error));


        requestUsers((usersResponse) => {
            if (usersResponse.status === 'success') {
            } else {
                return callback(new Error(usersResponse.error));


            requestCurrentServerTime((serverTimeResponse) => {
                console.log('Server time:');
                if (serverTimeResponse.status === 'success') {
                    console.log(`   ${new Date(serverTimeResponse.data).toLocaleString()}`);
                } else {
                    return callback(new Error(serverTimeResponse.error));


                requestCoffeeMachineQueueLength((coffeeMachineQueueLengthResponse) => {
                    console.log('Coffee machine queue length:');
                    if (coffeeMachineQueueLengthResponse.status === 'success') {
                        console.log(`   ${coffeeMachineQueueLengthResponse.data}`);
                    } else {
                        return callback(new Error(coffeeMachineQueueLengthResponse.error));


startTheApp((e: Error | null) => {
    if (e) {
        console.log(`Error: "${e.message}", but it's fine, sometimes errors are inevitable.`)
    } else {

2개의 댓글

2024년 2월 5일

In exercise 5, should use Omit instead of Exclude.

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