[linux] [uncrustify] C like languages Format Source

spring·2020년 11월 9일

Atom에서 Atom-Beautify때문에 한번 써본적 있는 uncrustifyCLI에서 사용하는 법을 적어놓는다.
######Install at linux

sudo apt-get install uncrustify -y

######Install at windows
http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/ 에서 다운로드 받고 특정위치에 압축을 풀고
해당 경로를 환경변수 path에 설정하면 된다.

아래의 파일을 uncrustify.cfg 와 같이 만들어 저장하고,

uncrustify -c uncrustify.cfg --replace main.c

과 같이 사용하면 main.c파일이 코드포맷되어 바뀐다.

보통은 vim을 사용할테니 vim에서 바뀐 파일을 다시 로드하는 법은

:edit! 이다.

# uncrustify config file for the linux kernel

indent_with_tabs	= 2		# 1=indent to level only, 2=indent with tabs
align_with_tabs		= TRUE		# use tabs to align
align_on_tabstop	= TRUE 		# align on tabstops
input_tab_size		= 8		# original tab size
output_tab_size		= 8		# new tab size
indent_columns		= output_tab_size

indent_label		= 2		# pos: absolute col, neg: relative column

# inter-symbol newlines

nl_enum_brace		= remove	# "enum {" vs "enum \n {"
nl_union_brace		= remove	# "union {" vs "union \n {"
nl_struct_brace		= remove	# "struct {" vs "struct \n {"
nl_do_brace 		= remove	# "do {" vs "do \n {"
nl_if_brace 		= remove	# "if () {" vs "if () \n {"
nl_for_brace 		= remove	# "for () {" vs "for () \n {"
nl_else_brace 		= remove	# "else {" vs "else \n {"
nl_while_brace 		= remove	# "while () {" vs "while () \n {"
nl_switch_brace 	= remove	# "switch () {" vs "switch () \n {"
nl_brace_while		= remove	# "} while" vs "} \n while" - cuddle while
nl_brace_else		= remove	# "} else" vs "} \n else" - cuddle else
nl_func_var_def_blk	= 1
nl_fcall_brace		= remove	# "list_for_each() {" vs "list_for_each()\n{"
nl_fdef_brace		= add		# "int foo() {" vs "int foo()\n{"
# nl_after_return		= TRUE;
# nl_before_case	= 1

# Source code modifications

# mod_paren_on_return	= remove	# "return 1;" vs "return (1);"
# mod_full_brace_if	= remove	# "if (a) a--;" vs "if (a) { a--; }"
# mod_full_brace_for	= remove	# "for () a--;" vs "for () { a--; }"
# mod_full_brace_do	= remove	# "do a--; while ();" vs "do { a--; } while ();"
# mod_full_brace_while	= remove	# "while (a) a--;" vs "while (a) { a--; }"

# inter-character spacing options

# sp_return_paren	= force		# "return (1);" vs "return(1);"
sp_sizeof_paren		= remove	# "sizeof (int)" vs "sizeof(int)"
sp_before_sparen	= force		# "if (" vs "if("
sp_after_sparen		= force		# "if () {" vs "if (){"
sp_after_cast		= remove	# "(int) a" vs "(int)a"
sp_inside_braces	= add		# "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_struct	= add		# "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_inside_braces_enum	= add		# "{ 1 }" vs "{1}"
sp_assign		= add
sp_arith		= add
sp_bool			= add
sp_compare		= add
sp_assign		= add
sp_after_comma		= add
sp_func_def_paren	= remove	# "int foo (){" vs "int foo(){"
sp_func_call_paren	= remove	# "foo (" vs "foo("
sp_func_proto_paren	= remove	# "int foo ();" vs "int foo();"

# Aligning stuff

align_enum_equ_span	= 4		# '=' in enum definition
# align_nl_cont		= TRUE
# align_var_def_span	= 2
# align_var_def_inline	= TRUE
# align_var_def_star	= FALSE
# align_var_def_colon	= TRUE
# align_assign_span	= 1
align_struct_init_span	= 3		# align stuff in a structure init '= { }'
align_right_cmt_span	= 3
# align_pp_define_span	= 8;
# align_pp_define_gap	= 4;

# cmt_star_cont		= FALSE

# indent_brace		= 0
Researcher & Developer @ NAVER Corp | Designer @ HONGIK Univ.

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