loop : can run the same code over and over again with out violates don't repeats yourself principles
for loop : use it when sure about how many iteration needed
while loop: loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true
use it when not sure how many iteration needed
while loop is more versatile than the for loop -> it can solve the problem without counter(without number that is increasing)
continue: jumps over one iteration in the loop->exit the current iteration of the loop and continue to next one
break: completely terminate the whole loop when it reaches specified value
x = y -> x = y
x += y -> x = x + y
x -= y -> x = x - y
x = y -> x = x y
code challenge에서 보너스 문제가 아직 이해가 덜 갔다 내일 회사 다녀와서 한번더 봐야 겠다...