null 함수 / trim 함수
eng_title컬럼이 없는 경우 조회
select *
from movie m
where eng_title is null
or trim(eng_title) = ' '
or length(trim(eng_title))=0
limit 10
count 함수
select count(*)
from movie
like 함수
select *
from movie m
where country ="한국"
and genre like "%액션%"
and pub_year = 2001
in 함수
select * from actor
where domain = "감독"
and name in (
select director
from movie m
where production like "%싸이더스%"
and pub_year = 2020
select DISTINCT domain
from actor
where domain is not null and trim(domain != ' ')
group by
select DOMAIN
from actor
where domain is not null and trim(domain!=' ')
group by domain
join, order by desc
select m.title, m.director , m.pub_year , m.genre , m.open_flag
from movie m
join actor a on ( m.director = and a.domain = "감독")
where m.pub_year > 2020
and = '독일'
order by m.pub_year DESC
case when
select f.code
, case
when ifnull(f.eng_title,'') = '' then f.title
else f.eng_title
when ifnull(f.gerne,'')= ''then "기타"
else f.gerne
when ifnull(f.homepage,'') = ''then "홈페이지 없음"
else f.homepage
from festival f
where country ="미국"
and city = "시카고"
max 함수
ROW_NUMBER () over (order by max_seat_count DESC )
,max(seat_count) as max_seat_count
, biz_name
from screen s
where biz_name is not null and trim(biz_name) !=' '
group by biz_name
order by max_seat_count DESC