[Jetpack Compose] 1. Compose 기본 사항(1)
Compose 이해
- Jetpack Compose: Declarative UI Framework
- no XML, UI can entirely be described in Kotlin code
- UI elements are functions, not objects
- State controls UI
- Events control State
- User interacts with UI element
-> UI emits an event (ex. onClick)
-> EventHandler decides is UI states should be changed
-> if UI states should be changed, functions(=UI elements) re-executed
= recomposition
Composable Functions
annotate function(=UI elements) with @Composable annotation
composable functions(= composables)
- no return value, emits UI
- no visible/invisible settings, just call composable if it needs to be displayed
- accept parameters(= UI states)
recomposition: when composable is re-invoked with different function parameters
- can also happen when internal state in function changes
- an observative type that is integrated within the Compose runtime
- change in state -> automatically schedule recomposition for any composables that read it
- Should create within remember
-> guarantee value is remembered, not reset when recomposed
var selectedAnswer: MutableState<Answer?> = remember{ mutableStateOf(null) }
- create within rememberSaveable
-> guarantee value is remembered when recomposed & configuration changed
var selectedAnswer: MutableState<Answer?> = rememberSaveable{ mutableStateOf(null) }
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
var selectedAnswer: Answer? by rememberSaveable{ mutableStateOf(null) }
Composable의 특징
- composable executions can happen in any order
- Compose can recognize some elements are of higher priority
-> might be drawn first
fun ButtonRow(){
- composables can run in parallel
- avoid writes to a local variable in composable -> no longer side-effect free!
- recomposition skips as much as possible
-> recompose only portions of the UI that need to be updated
fun GreetingScreen(name:String){
Greeting(name = name)
- recomposition is optimistic
= Compose expects recompositions to be finished before the parameters change again
-> if not finished, cancel on going recomposition & start new recomposition with new parameters
- composables might run frequently
(ex. composable includes animation that needs to be executed every frame)
-> make sure to make composables fast! -> avoid dropped frames