[Jetpack Compose] 2. Layouts, theming, and animation(4) #Animation

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Jetpack Compose

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[Jetpack Compose] 2. Layouts, theming, and animation(4)


5 quick animations to make your app stand out


  • when 문으로 화면에 보여질 Composable을 제어하는 경우, AnimatedContent 사용하기
  • AnimatedContent:
    composable that animates its content as it changes based on a target state
fun SearchContent(
	tabSelected: CraneScreen
    	targetState = tabSelected
    ){ targetState ->
        	CraneScreen.Fly -> FlySearchContent()
            CraneScreen.Sleep -> SleepSearchContent()
            CraneScreen.Eat -> EatSearchContent()
  • By default, the initial content fades out and then the target content fades in
    (= fade through behavior)
    -> transitionSpec 파라미터에 ContentTransform object 넘겨서 transition 커스텀 가능
  • ContentTransform
    • EnterTransitionExitTransitionwith infix function으로 결합하여 설정
    • SizeTransformusing infix function으로 설정
    targetState = count,
    transitionSpec = {
        // Compare the incoming number with the previous number.
        if (targetState > initialState) {
            // If the target number is larger, it slides up and fades in
            // while the initial (smaller) number slides up and fades out.
            slideInVertically { height -> height } + fadeIn() with
                slideOutVertically { height -> -height } + fadeOut()
        } else {
            // If the target number is smaller, it slides down and fades in
            // while the initial number slides down and fades out.
            slideInVertically { height -> -height } + fadeIn() with
                slideOutVertically { height -> height } + fadeOut()
            // Disable clipping since the faded slide-in/out should
            // be displayed out of bounds.
            SizeTransform(clip = false)
) { targetCount ->
    Text(text = "$targetCount")

Animation in Compose Cheat Sheet

Be able to be vulnerable, in search of truth

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