[LeetCode] 394. Decode String(Kotlin)

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[LeetCode] 394. Decode String(Kotlin)

풀이 (정규표현식)


  • Regex.find 함수: 정규 표현식과 일치하는 첫번째 요소를 찾음, 반환 타입: MatchResult
class Solution {
    fun decodeString(s: String): String {
        val result = StringBuilder()
        var index = 0
            if(index < s.length) result.append(s[index])
            println("result: ${result.toString()}")

            	val match = Regex("""[0-9]+\[([a-z]+)\]""").find(result.toString())
                if (match == null) break
                println("matched value: ${match.value}")
                val matchRange = Pair(match.range.start, match.range.endInclusive)

            	val decoded = result.toString().substring(matchRange.first, matchRange.second+1)
                result.delete(matchRange.first, matchRange.second+1)
				println("result: ${result.toString()}")	

                val splitResult = decoded.split("[", "]")
                val count:Int = splitResult[0].toInt()
                val str:String = splitResult[1].toString()
                result.insert(matchRange.first, str.repeat(count)) 
            if(index > s.length) break
            else index++
        return result.toString()
  • s = "2[abc]3[cd]ef"일 때 출력
    result: 2
    result: 2[
    result: 2[a
    result: 2[ab
    result: 2[abc
    result: 2[abc]
    matched value: 2[abc]
    result: abcabc3
    result: abcabc3[
    result: abcabc3[c
    result: abcabc3[cd
    result: abcabc3[cd]
    matched value: 3[cd]
    result: abcabc
    result: abcabccdcdcde
    result: abcabccdcdcdef
    result: abcabccdcdcdef
    result: abcabccdcdcdef
  • s = "3[a2[c]]"일 때 출력
    result: 3[
    result: 3[a
    result: 3[a2
    result: 3[a2[
    result: 3[a2[c
    result: 3[a2[c]
    matched value: 2[c]
    result: 3[a
    result: 3[acc]
    matched value: 3[acc]
    result: accaccacc
    result: accaccacc

풀이 (스택)

import java.util.Deque

class Solution {
    fun decodeString(s: String): String {
        val st = ArrayDeque<Char>()

        var count = StringBuilder()
        var input = StringBuilder()
        s.forEach{ ch ->
            println("st: ${st.toString()}")

            if(ch == ']'){
                    val top = st.last()
                    println("parsing input... top: $top, st: ${st.toString()}")
                    if(top == '[') break

                st.removeLast() //remove '['

                    val top = st.last()
                    println("parsing count... top: $top, st: ${st.toString()}")
                    if(!(top in ('0'..'9'))) break
                val countInt = count.toString().reversed().toInt()
                val inputStr = input.toString().reversed()
                val decoded = inputStr.repeat(countInt)
                println("countInt: $countInt, inputStr: $inputStr, decoded: $decoded")
                decoded.forEach{ch -> st.addLast(ch)}

            else st.addLast(ch)

        return st.toList().joinToString(separator = "")
  • s = "2[abc]3[cd]ef"일 때 출력
    st: []
    st: [2]
    st: [2, []
    st: [2, [, a]
    st: [2, [, a, b]
    st: [2, [, a, b, c]
    parsing input... top: c, st: [2, [, a, b, c]
    parsing input... top: b, st: [2, [, a, b]
    parsing input... top: a, st: [2, [, a]
    parsing input... top: [, st: [2, []
    parsing count... top: 2, st: [2]
    countInt: 2, inputStr: abc, decoded: abcabc
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c]
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3]
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, []
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, [, c]
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, [, c, d]
    parsing input... top: d, st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, [, c, d]
    parsing input... top: c, st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, [, c]
    parsing input... top: [, st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3, []
    parsing count... top: 3, st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, 3]
    parsing count... top: c, st: [a, b, c, a, b, c]
    countInt: 3, inputStr: cd, decoded: cdcdcd
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, c, d, c, d, c, d]
    st: [a, b, c, a, b, c, c, d, c, d, c, d, e]
  • s = "3[a2[c]]"일 때 출력
    st: []
    st: [3]
    st: [3, []
    st: [3, [, a]
    st: [3, [, a, 2]
    st: [3, [, a, 2, []
    st: [3, [, a, 2, [, c]
    parsing input... top: c, st: [3, [, a, 2, [, c]
    parsing input... top: [, st: [3, [, a, 2, []
    parsing count... top: 2, st: [3, [, a, 2]
    parsing count... top: a, st: [3, [, a]
    countInt: 2, inputStr: c, decoded: cc
    st: [3, [, a, c, c]
    parsing input... top: c, st: [3, [, a, c, c]
    parsing input... top: c, st: [3, [, a, c]
    parsing input... top: a, st: [3, [, a]
    parsing input... top: [, st: [3, []
    parsing count... top: 3, st: [3]
    countInt: 3, inputStr: acc, decoded: accaccacc
Be able to be vulnerable, in search of truth

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