[프로그래머스] 순위 검색



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[프로그래머스] 순위 검색

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;

vector<int> solution(vector<string> info, vector<string> query) {
	vector<int> answer;

	map<string, vector<int>> m;

	//"java backend junior pizza 150"
	for (int i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i) {
		vector<string> jogun;
		int score;

		string buffer = "";
		for (int j = 0; j < info[i].length(); ++j) {
			if (info[i][j] == ' ') {
				buffer = "";
			else buffer += info[i][j];
		score = stoi(buffer);

		//m에 삽입 
		//조건의 첫 글자만 이용하여 m 검색 key 만들기
		vector<string> keys;
		string key = "----";
			key[0] = jogun[0][0];
				key[1] = jogun[1][0];
					key[2] = jogun[2][0];
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //0123
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //012-
					key[2] = '-';
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //01-3
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //01--
				key[1] = '-';
					key[2] = jogun[2][0];
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //0-12
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //0-1-
					key[2] = '-';
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //0--3
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //0---
			key[0] = '-';
				key[1] = jogun[1][0];
					key[2] = jogun[2][0];
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //-123
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //-12-
					key[2] = '-';
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //-1-3
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //-1--
				key[1] = '-';
					key[2] = jogun[2][0];
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //--23
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //--2-
					key[2] = '-';
						key[3] = jogun[3][0];
						keys.push_back(key); //---3
						key[3] = '-';
						keys.push_back(key); //----

		for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
			if (m.find(keys[i]) == m.end())
				m[keys[i]] = vector<int>(1, score);

	//오름차순 정렬 
    //query를 처리하는 반복문 바깥에서 정렬해야 시간초과가 나지 않는다!!
	for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) {
		sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
	//"cpp and - and senior and pizza 250"
	for (int i = 0; i < query.size(); ++i) {
		string jogun = "";
		int score;

		string buffer = "";
		for (int j = 0; j < query[i].length(); ++j) {
			if (query[i][j] == ' ') {
				//m 검색을 위해 조건의 첫 글자만 저장
				if(buffer != "and") jogun = jogun + buffer[0];
				buffer = "";
			else buffer += query[i][j];
		score = stoi(buffer);

		//query 조건에 맞는 후보들의 점수
		vector<int> hoobo = m[jogun];

		//lower_bound = 찾으려는 key 값보다 같거나 큰 숫자가 배열 몇 번째에서 처음 등장하는지 
		answer.push_back(hoobo.size() - (lower_bound(hoobo.begin(), hoobo.end(), score) - hoobo.begin()));

	return answer;

int main() {
	solution({ "java backend junior pizza 150", "python frontend senior chicken 210", "python frontend senior chicken 150", "cpp backend senior pizza 260", "java backend junior chicken 80", "python backend senior chicken 50" }, { "java and backend and junior and pizza 100", "python and frontend and senior and chicken 200", "cpp and - and senior and pizza 250", "- and backend and senior and - 150", "- and - and - and chicken 100", "- and - and - and - 150" });


Be able to be vulnerable, in search of truth

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