Serverless does not mean there are no servers
=> it means you just don’t manage / provision / see them

Benefits of AWS Lambda
- Easy Pricing: Pay per request and Compute time
=> (pay per calls & duration)
- Integrated with whole AWS sutie of services
- Event-Driven
- Easy to get more resources per functions -> increase in ram will improve CPU and network

Amazon API Gateway
- Fully managed service for developers to easily create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs
- Serverless and scalable

AWS Batch
- Fully managed batch processing at any scale
- A “batch” job is a job with a star t and an end (opposed to continuous)
- Batch will dynamically launch EC2 instances or Spot Instances
- Batch jobs are defined as Docker images and run on ECS

Amazon Lightsail
- Virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking
- Low & predictable pricing