[typescript] Class

Suyeon·2020년 11월 12일


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class Department {
  name: string;

  constructor(n: string) {
    this.name = n;

const accounting = new Department('Accounting');

This keyword

  • Specifying the value of this inside a class prevents an unexpected error.
class Department {
  name: string;

  constructor(n: string) {
    this.name = n;

  describe(this: Department) { // (*) this always poining "Department"

const accounting = new Department('Accounting');
accounting.describe(); // working

const accountingCopy = { describe: accounting.describe };
accountingCopy.describe(); // error

Access Modifier

Access modifiers used to encapsulate certain components. (control accessibility from outside)

  • public / private / protected
  • readonly

Private vs Protected
Private can only be accessible inside class not extended class but protected can be accessible from extended class as well.

💫 Shorthand

class Department {
  constructor(public readonly id: string, private name: string, private employees: string[]) {} // (*)
   // ...
class Department {
  readonly name: string; // (*) cannot modify
  private employees: string[] = []; // (*) only accessible within class

  constructor(n: string) {
    this.name = n;

  describe(this: Department) { 

  addEmployee(employee: string) {

   printEmployeeInfo() {

const accounting = new Department('Accounting');
accounting.employees[1] = 'Hanna'; // error!

Getter and setter

  • getter: read-only
  • setter: set private field
  • It is convention using underline with private fields.
  • Use like a property not using ()
class Point {
  constructor(private _x?: number, private _y?: number) { // (*) _x
  get x() { 
  	return this.x;
  set x(value) {
  	if(value < 0) throw new Error('value cannot be less than 0.')
    	this.x = value;
    draw() { 
  	console.log(`x: ${this.x}, y: ${this.y}`);
let point = new Point(1, 2);
let x = point.x; // (*) get 
point.x = 10; // (*) set

Static method & propety

You can call method or property of class directly without creating an instance withnew keyword.

  • Static methods are often utility functions.
  • You cannot access using this.fiscalYear inside class but can access Department.fiscalYear.
class Department {
   static fiscalYear = 2020; // (*)

   constructor(private name: string) {
      // console.log(this.fiscalYear); Not working

   static createEmployee(name: string) { // (*)
      return { name: name };

const employee1 = Department.createEmployee('Suyeon'); // (**)
console.log(employee1, Department.fiscalYear);

Abstract class

Abstract classes are base classes from which other classes may be derived. if there are abstract method or property, its instances must have it. It is useful to force sharing the same method or propety but its implementation(detail) is up to derived classes.

// abstract class
abstract class Department {
  constructor(public name: string) {}

  abstract printMeeting(): void; // (*)

// sub class
class AccountingDepartment extends Department {
  constructor() {
    super("Accounting and Auditing");

  generateReports(): void {
    console.log("Generating accounting reports..."); // (**)


Singleton is a creational design pattern, which ensures that only one object of its kind exists and provides a single point of access to it for any other code.

  • State Management
class Singleton {
    private static instance: Singleton;
    private constructor() {
        // do something construct...

    static getInstance() {
        if (!Singleton.instance) {
            Singleton.instance = new Singleton();
        return Singleton.instance;
    someMethod() { }

let something = new Singleton(); // Error: constructor of 'Singleton' is private.
let instance = Singleton.getInstance(); // do something with the instance...
Hello World.

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