A string in any programming language is simply a sequence of characters between quotes. A
can be a letter, number, punctuation, or even new lines and tabs. It just needs to be between quotes.
You can use any of the following types of quotes when creating a string:
Using the backticks
will be useful if you want to:
String interpolation is a common practice that allows you to add the value of a variable directly inside a string. It is only available when using
and is achieved by wrapping a variable inside${}
and adding it to the string, check the code below and it will make more sense!
let language = 'JavaScript';
console.log(`I am learning ${language}!`);
"I am learning JavaScript!"
Input :
const voyage = `
- Italy for a coffee
- UK for a shopping & musicals
- Spain for a churros
- Vienna for a coffee also!`
console.log(`I REALLY want to go for a voyage... ${voyage}`);
Output :
"I REALLY want to go for a voyage...
- Italy for a coffee
- UK for a shopping & musicals
- Spain for a churros
- Vienna for a coffee also!"
❗️ You can easily concatenate or add characters to strings with the + or += operator.
let emptyCon = "heyyy ";
emptyCon += "G'day mate!";
"heyyy G'day mate!"
❗️ In JavaScript, you can concatenate numbers with strings:
Result Skip Results Iframe
let age = 21;
console.log(`I am ${age} years old`);
console.log("How old are you? Seriously ...");
console.log(`I am ${age+12} years old.`);
property❗️ To use the .length
property, need to use the backticks(``)!
const fact = `I love Takroux!`;
console.log(`"${fact} is a string and the length is ${fact.length}"`)
"'I love Takroux! is a string and the length is 15'"
is a method ofstring
data types in JS that allows you to change all the letters in a string to their Uppercase version
Apply .toUpperCase()
code :
let name = "Yooyoo";
let up = name.toUpperCase();
output :
❌ Doesn't work in this way ❌
let catName = "Tak roux"; console.log(.toUpperCase(catName));
As you can see, to use
and any other methods in JS we always need to use () at the end. However, when we use.length
and other attributes, we do not use theparentheses.
You can access characters inside of strings with their index number.
The index determines the character order in the word, from left to right, but be aware the index always starts at 0. To access a character via its index you can use []
like shown in the example below.
const greeting = "Hello";
console.log(greeting[0]); // => H
console.log(greeting[4]); // => o
console.log(greeting[9]); // => undefined
console.log(greeting[-2]); // => undefined
JavaScript has a cool
method that returns the index of a particular character/string occurrence. If the substring was not found, it returns -1. To use it you just need to put the character or characters string you want to know the index of inside the()
as shown below.
const favoritePhrase = "Don't be evil";
console.log(favoritePhrase.indexOf("Don't")); // => 0
console.log(favoritePhrase.indexOf("e")); // => 7 because indexOf prints the FIRST occurance
console.log(favoritePhrase.indexOf("z")); // -1 since it's not found
❗️ If a word has the same character/substring two or more times, the indexOf() method will return the index of the first occurrence.
.slice(start, end)
let statement = "I am the Ironhacker and I can't wait for this course to start!!!";
// it is zero indexed ==> starts with zero
let test1 = statement.slice(0, 19);
console.log(test1); // => I am the Ironhacker
// if the second parameter is not passed, it will capture
// from the character found on the position that corelates with passed number
// to the end of the string
let test2 = statement.slice(24);
console.log(test2); // => I can't wait for this course to start!!!
// if negative nuber is passed, the count starts from the end of the string
let test3 = statement.slice(-8);
console.log(test3); // => start!!!
let turtle1 = 'Leonardo';
let turtle2 = 'Raphael';
let turtle3 = 'Donatello';
let turtle4 = 'Michelangelo';
let allTurtles = ' ';
allTurtles += turtle1;
allTurtles += ' ' + turtle2;
allTurtles += ' ' + turtle3;
allTurtles += ' ' + turtle4;
const like = `
- Coffee
- Tak Roux
- peace
console.log(`My favorites are: ${like}` + allTurtles);
"My favorites are:
- Coffee
- Tak Roux
- peace
Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo"