SNU Isabelle 2023 (Day 3)

Serendipity·2023년 7월 19일

2023 LeSN

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1. Verifying Functional Programs

Functional programming in Isabelle/HOL can be performed directly, as Isabelle supports functional programming. Verification typically involves stating and proving properties about functions. For instance, if we have a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number:

fun factorial :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"factorial 0 = 1" |
"factorial (Suc n) = Suc n * factorial n"

A property to verify could be that the factorial of any natural number is not zero:

theorem factorial_not_zero:
  "factorial n ≠ 0"

We could then prove this theorem in Isabelle.

2. Imperative Programming(Circus)

There's a framework called Isabelle/IMP that you can use to reason about imperative programs. This framework allows you to define programs in an imperative language, along with a semantics, and reason about these programs using Hoare logic.

3. Hoare Logic

Hoare logic is a way to reason about imperative programs. In Isabelle/HOL, you can use the Isabelle/IMP framework to define Hoare triples {P} c {Q}, where P and Q are predicates describing pre- and post-conditions of the command c.

For example, given a command x := x + 1, you could specify a Hoare triple like {x = n} x := x + 1 {x = n + 1}, which asserts that if x equals n before the command is executed, x will equal n + 1 after execution.

4. Loop Invariants

Loop invariants are a concept from Hoare logic and are conditions that hold before and after each iteration of a loop. They're crucial when reasoning about loops in Hoare logic.

For instance, consider a while loop in the Isabelle/IMP language: WHILE b DO c. A loop invariant P would be a predicate such that {P ∧ b} c {P} holds - i.e., if P is true and the loop's condition b is true before executing the loop body c, then P will still be true afterward.

Proving that such an invariant holds and that it implies the desired post-condition can be used to prove properties of the loop in the Hoare logic framework.

I'm an graduate student majoring in Computer Engineering at Inha University. I'm interested in Machine learning developing frameworks, Formal verification, and Concurrency.

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