[Day1] [English Debate] Death Penalty

Lightman·2021년 8월 17일


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penalty, crime, offender, merder, ruthledd, violate, violence, victim, commit, prison, guilty, disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, sentence, enforce, execute, catch, rehabilitate, punish, try, deter, deranged, effective, be put to death, human rights, potential killer, remorse, questionable, accuse, evidence, prove, consequence, establish, take away one's freedom, lock up, moral, revencge, lenient, strict, legal cost, plead guilty, live out one's life, debt

Main Sentence

  • Pros
    • The death penalty is the most questionable, punishment. Is it morally right ?
    • The best way to deter crime is to prevent it from happening rather than enforce harsh punishment against criminals.
    • Consequently, I insist that the death penalty may not be the best option.
    • I know the victims and victims' families want revenge or justice.
    • If they are dead, they cannot pay their debts to society for the crimes they committed.

Logic flow

  1. Many people feel that the death penalty will deter criminals from killing, but, as far as I know, the death penalty doesn't prevent crime. People also think that it is cheaper to execute criminals than to keep them in prison for the rest of their lives. But, in reality, the death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison without parole as a result of the high legal costs during the appeals process. I know people want the death penalty because they feel that murderers deserve to die, but I would like to ask what the consequences of the death penalty are on our society. Is it really necessary to kill criminals to show others that killing people is wrong ? That does not make any sense.
  2. Personally, I know the victims and their families want revenge or justice, but I also believe that laws exist to make us think twice before acting or reacting. I don't think it is proper to kill a criminal because he or she killed somebody. You've probably heard the expression "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." I don't think that is right. All we have to do is punish criminals by taking their freedom and locking them up so that they will not be future threats to society. Many criminals would say that living in prison for the rest of their lives is worse than being put to death.
  3. I am definitely against the death penalty! I believe the death penalty is actually too good for criminals. Death is often too quick and easy. If they are dead, then they cannot truly pay their debts to society for the crimes they committed. Actually, I think a life sentence is cruel enough because it makes a person live the rest of his or her life in prison. I even think that serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole is worse thatn the death penalty. Some people argue that a life sentence means nothing to most murderers. But can you imagine life without freedom?
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