BFS 문제, +움직이는 방향/cost 고려
견적서 작성을 위해 경주로를 건설하는 데 필요한 최소 비용을 계산해야 합니다.
건설 비용은 6 x 100 + 4 x 500 = 2600원 입니다.
건설 비용은 4 x 100 + 1 x 500 = 900원 입니다.
confirm을 dictionary로 구현,
{ 좌표 : 그 지점에서의 (최소)비용 }
# 파이썬
from collections import deque
def visitable(N, x, y, board):
return 0 <= x < N and 0 <= y < N and board[y][x] == 0
def solution(board):
N = len(board)
Y, X, DIRECTION, SUM = 0, 1, 2, 3
UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT = 0, 1, 2, 3
DELTAS = [(-1, 0, UP), (1, 0, DOWN), (0, 1, RIGHT), (0, -1, LEFT)]
que = deque([])
confirm = {(0, 0): 0}
if board[1][0] == 0: # 아래
que.append((1, 0, DOWN, 100))
confirm[(1, 0)] = 100
if board[0][1] == 0: # 오른쪽
que.append((0, 1, RIGHT, 100))
confirm[(0, 1)] = 100
cand = []
while que:
cur = que.popleft()
if cur[X] == N-1 and cur[Y] == N-1:
for dy, dx, d in DELTAS:
if cur[DIRECTION] == d:
next_p = (cur[Y] + dy, cur[X] + dx, d, cur[SUM] + 100)
next_p = (cur[Y] + dy, cur[X] + dx, d, cur[SUM] + 600)
check = (next_p[Y], next_p[X])
if visitable(N, next_p[X], next_p[Y], board):
if check in confirm and confirm[check] < next_p[SUM]:
confirm[check] = next_p[SUM]
return min(cand)
시험 당시 실패 코드
# 택시비 적게내기 --> 가격까지 확인셋에넣어서 무한루프를 돌았음
from collections import deque
def visitable(N, x, y, board):
return 0 <= x < N and 0 <= y < N and board[y][x] == 0
def solution(board):
N = len(board)
X, Y, DIRECTION, SUM = 0, 1, 2, 3
UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT = 0, 1, 2, 3
DELTAS = [(-1, 0, LEFT), (1, 0, RIGHT), (0, 1, DOWN), (0, -1, UP)]
que = deque([])
confirm = set()
if board[1][0] == 0: # 아래
que.append((0, 1, DOWN, 100))
confirm.add((0, 1, DOWN, 100))
if board[0][1] == 0: # 오른쪽
que.append((1, 0, RIGHT, 100))
confirm.add((1, 0, RIGHT, 100))
cand = []
while que:
cur = que.popleft()
if cur[X] == N-1 and cur[Y] == N-1:
for dx, dy, d in DELTAS:
if cur[DIRECTION] == d:
next_p = (cur[X] + dx, cur[Y] + dy, d, cur[SUM] + 100)
next_p = (cur[X] + dx, cur[Y] + dy, d, cur[SUM] + 500)
if visitable(N, next_p[X], next_p[Y], board) and next_p not in confirm:
return min(cand)