1) 동적 쿼리
2) 페이지 이동
<form action="/ch4/board/list" class="search-form" method="get">
<select class="search-option" name="option">
<option value="A" selected>제목+내용</option>
<option value="T" >제목만</option>
<option value="W" >작성자</option>
<input type="text" name="keyword" class="search-input" type="text" value="">
<input type="submit" class="search-button" value="검색">
<sql>과 <include>
공통 부분을 로 정의하고 로 포함시켜 재사용
//원래 방법
<select id="select" parameterType="int" resultType="BoardDto">
SELECT bno, title, content, writer, view_cnt, comment_cnt, reg_date
FROM board
WHERE bno = #{bno}
<select id="selectPage" parameterType="map">
SELECT bno, title, content, writer, view_cnt, commnet_cnt, reg_date
FROM board
ORDER BY reg_date DESC, bno DESC
LIMIT #{offset}, #{pageSize}
//공통 부분을 <sql>로 정의하고
<sql id="selectFromBoard">
SELECT bno, title, content, writer, view_cnt, comment_cnt, reg_date
FROM board
//<include>로 포함시켜 재사용
<select id="select" parameterType="int" resultType="BoardDto">
<include refid="selectFromBoard"/>
WHERE bno = #{bno}
//<include>로 포함시켜 재사용
<select id="selectPage" parameterType="map" resultType="BoardDto">
<include refid="selectFromBoard"/>
ORDER BY reg_date DESC, bno DESC
LIMIT #{offset}, #{pageSize}
//중복 될 수 있어서 아래처럼 <choose> <when>사용이 더 적합
<select id="searchResultCnt" paramterType="SearchCondition" resultType="int">
SELECT count(*)
FROM board
WHERE true
<if test='option=="A"'>
AND (title LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
OR content LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%'))
<if test='option=="T"'>
AND title LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<if test='option=="W"'>
AND writer LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<choose> <when>
Oracle : %(여러글자, 0개 이상), ?(한글자)
MySql : %(여러글자, 0개 이상), (한글자)
ex) 'title%' ==> title2(O), title(O)
ex) 'title' ==> title2(O), title(X)
//if-else if
<select id="searchResultCnt" parameterType="SearchCondition" resultType="int">
SELECT count(*)
FROM board
WHERE true
<when test='option=="T"'>
AND title LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<when test='option=="W"'>
AND writer LIKE concat('%', ${keyword}, '%')
AND (title LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
OR content LIKE concat('%', #{keyword}, '%'))
where bno in (1, 2, 3)
<select id="getSelected" resultType="BoardDto">
SELECT bno, title, content, writer, view_cnt, comment_cnt, reg_date
FROM board
<foreach collection="array" item="bno" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
ORDER BY reg_date DESC, bno DESC
//Repository 계층(DAO)
public List<BoardDto> getSelected(Integer[] bnoArr) throws Exception {
return session.selectList(namespace + "getSelected", bnoArr);
//Service 계층
List<BoardDto> list = boardDao.getSelected(new Integer[]{1,2,3});