There is an undirected star graph consisting of n nodes labeled from 1 to n. A star graph is a graph where there is one center node and exactly n - 1 edges that connect the center node with every other node.
You are given a 2D integer array edges where each edges[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an edge between the nodes ui and vi. Return the center of the given star graph.
Example 1:
Input: edges = [[1,2],[2,3],[4,2]]
Output: 2
Explanation: As shown in the figure above, node 2 is connected to every other node, so 2 is the center.
Example 2:
Input: edges = [[1,2],[5,1],[1,3],[1,4]]
Output: 1
3 <= n <= 105
edges.length == n - 1
edges[i].length == 2
1 <= ui, vi <= n
ui != vi
The given edges represent a valid star graph
// context
// 배열 내 중심 노드 탐색하여 return 하는 함수
// 기능 목록
// edges 길이만큼 탐색 반복
// edges 길이만큼 contain 되는 요소 저장
// 저장된 값 return
class Solution {
public int findCenter(int[][] edges) {
int center = 0;
int target = 0;
// edges 길이만큼 탐색 반복
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) {
target = edges[i][j];
// edges 길이만큼 contain 되는 요소 저장
boolean valid = Arrays.asList(edges).containsAll(Arrays.asList(target));
// target이 모든 배열에 포함되어 있으면 true return
if (valid) {
center = target;
return center;
Runtime Error
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 2 out of bounds for length 2
at line 14, Solution.findCenter
at line 56, __DriverSolution__.__helper__
at line 86, __Driver__.main
다른 분의 풀이
class Solution {
public int findCenter(int[][] edges) {
int a = edges[0][0];
int b = edges[0][1];
int c = edges[1][0];
int d = edges[1][1];
if (a==c || a == d) return a;
return b;
class Solution {
public int findCenter(int[][] edges) {
int n = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
n = Math.max(edges[i][0], n);
n = Math.max(edges[i][1], n);
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : map.entrySet()) {
if(e.getValue() == n-1){
return e.getKey();
return 0;
class Solution {
public int findCenter(int[][] edges) {
// 최대 시간에 발생하는 정점이 중심이므로 정점을 발생 횟수와 함께 저장하는 해시맵 생성
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < edges.length;i++) {
for(int j=0; j<edges[0].length; j++){
if(!map.containsKey(edges[i][j])) {
map.put(edges[i][j], 1);
int of=map.get(edges[i][j]);
map.put(edges[i][j], of);
int center = 0;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(int key:map.keySet()){
return center;
class Solution {
public int findCenter(int[][] edges) {
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
return set.contains(edges[1][0]) ? edges[1][0] : edges[1][1];