[Day 64] DApp & Blockchain

grl pwr·2022년 7월 25일

📌 Decentralized application(DApp)

탈중앙화 애플리케이션의 약자로 탈중앙화된 블록체인 플랫폼을 기반으로 작동하는 앱. 블록체인에서 동작하는 응용 프로그램, 프로그램 및 툴을 모두 통칭하는 단어. 기존 구글플레이 또는 앱스토어에서 쉽게 다운로드 받을 수 있는 일반적인 어플리케이션과는 다르게 분산 시스템인 블록체인 내에서 사용하기 위해 제작된 차별화된 어플리케이션이다. 디앱이 활성화 되기 시작한 것은 Smart Contracts를 처음 적용한 이더리움이 가장 큰 역할을 하게 됐다. (출처: 개발하는 기획자)

현재 DApps의 전체 수는 4,073개 이고 Daily active users가 48,580명이다.

Dapp can operate autonomously, typically through the use of smart contracts, that run on a decentralized computing, blockchain or other distributed ledger system.

📌 Cryptography

Communications in the presence of adversaries

  • Scytale Cipher (ancient times)
  • Enigma Machine (1920s - WWII)
  • Asymmetric Cryptography (1976 - today)

📌 The Internet: Cryptographic protocols

SSL / TLS (1996) - PayPal (1998)
HTTP (1990) - Amazon (1994)
TCP / IP (1974) - Cisco (1984)
Ethernet (1974) - 3com (1979)

Further Cryptographic Digital Currencies Failed

  • DigiCash -> David Chaum (1989)
  • Mondex -> National Westminster Bank (1993)
  • CyberCash -> Lynch, Melton, Crocker & Wilson (1994)
  • E-gold -> Gold & Silver Reserve (1996)
    - Hashcash -> Adam Back (1997)
    - Bit Gold -> Nick Szabo (1998)
  • B-Money -> Wei Dai (1998)
  • Lucre -> Ben Laurie (1999)

Digital Payments Innovation

  • Alipay (2003)
  • M-Pesa by Safaricom (2007)
    - M-Pesa is a virtual banking system that provides transaction services through a SIM card. Once the SIM has been inserted into the card slot fo the mobile device, users can make payments and transfer money to vendors and family members with SMS messages.

The Riddle Remained

  • How to move value peer-to-peer without any trusted central intermediary

🝢 Who solved the riddle?

  • Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
  • From: Stoshi Nakamoto satoshi@vistomail.com
    subject: Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper
    Newsgroups: gmane.comp.encryption.general
    Date: Friday 31st October 2008 18:10:00 UTC
  • "I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer with no trusted third party."

🝢 What is a blockchain?

  • Timestamped append-only log

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