Go smallnest gen 활용

w00j00ng351·2022년 11월 9일


목록 보기

1. 내용

2. 설치

$ go install github.com/smallnest/gen@latest

3. 기본 활용 예

3.1. 테스트용 go 모듈 초기화

$ go mod init goproj

3.2. 테스트용 데이터베이스 설정

  • sqlite 데이터베이스에 테이블 생성
$ sqlite3 sqlite.db
  • 테이블 생성
sqlite> CREATE TABLE human ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL, description TEXT NULL );
sqlite> INSERT INTO human ( id, name, age ) VALUES ( 1, 'James', 25 );
sqlite> SELECT * FROM human;
sqlite> .exit

3.3. gen 명령으로 Go 코드 생성

$ gen --sqltype=sqlite3 --connstr "./sqlite.db" --database main --json --overwrite --gorm
Generating code for the following tables (1)
[0] human

3.4. Go 의존성 최신화

$ go mod tidy
go: finding module for package github.com/satori/go.uuid
go: finding module for package github.com/guregu/null
go: found github.com/guregu/null in github.com/guregu/null v4.0.0+incompatible
go: found github.com/satori/go.uuid in github.com/satori/go.uuid v1.2.0
go: finding module for package gopkg.in/check.v1
go: found gopkg.in/check.v1 in gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c

3.5. 결과 확인

  • model 디렉터리가 생성되고 그 아래 model_base.go, human.go 파일이 생성됨
$ tree
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── model
│   ├── human.go
│   └── model_base.go
└── sqlite.db

1 directory, 5 files
  • model_base.go 파일내용 확인
package model

import "fmt"

// Action CRUD actions
type Action int32

var (
        // Create action when record is created
        Create = Action(0)

        // RetrieveOne action when a record is retrieved from db
        RetrieveOne = Action(1)

        // RetrieveMany action when record(s) are retrieved from db
        RetrieveMany = Action(2)

        // Update action when record is updated in db
        Update = Action(3)

        // Delete action when record is deleted in db
        Delete = Action(4)

        // FetchDDL action when fetching ddl info from db
        FetchDDL = Action(5)

        tables map[string]*TableInfo

func init() {
        tables = make(map[string]*TableInfo)

        tables["human"] = humanTableInfo

// String describe the action
func (i Action) String() string {
        switch i {
        case Create:
                return "Create"
        case RetrieveOne:
                return "RetrieveOne"
        case RetrieveMany:
                return "RetrieveMany"
        case Update:
                return "Update"
        case Delete:
                return "Delete"
        case FetchDDL:
                return "FetchDDL"
                return fmt.Sprintf("unknown action: %d", int(i))

// Model interface methods for database structs generated
type Model interface {
        TableName() string
        BeforeSave() error
        Validate(action Action) error
        TableInfo() *TableInfo

// TableInfo describes a table in the database
type TableInfo struct {
        Name    string        `json:"name"`
        Columns []*ColumnInfo `json:"columns"`

// ColumnInfo describes a column in the database table
type ColumnInfo struct {
        Index              int    `json:"index"`
        GoFieldName        string `json:"go_field_name"`
        GoFieldType        string `json:"go_field_type"`
        JSONFieldName      string `json:"json_field_name"`
        ProtobufFieldName  string `json:"protobuf_field_name"`
        ProtobufType       string `json:"protobuf_field_type"`
        ProtobufPos        int    `json:"protobuf_field_pos"`
        Comment            string `json:"comment"`
        Notes              string `json:"notes"`
        Name               string `json:"name"`
        Nullable           bool   `json:"is_nullable"`
        DatabaseTypeName   string `json:"database_type_name"`
        DatabaseTypePretty string `json:"database_type_pretty"`
        IsPrimaryKey       bool   `json:"is_primary_key"`
        IsAutoIncrement    bool   `json:"is_auto_increment"`
        IsArray            bool   `json:"is_array"`
        ColumnType         string `json:"column_type"`
        ColumnLength       int64  `json:"column_length"`
        DefaultValue       string `json:"default_value"`

// GetTableInfo retrieve TableInfo for a table
func GetTableInfo(name string) (*TableInfo, bool) {
        val, ok := tables[name]
        return val, ok
  • human.go 내용 확인
package model

import (


var (
        _ = time.Second
        _ = sql.LevelDefault
        _ = null.Bool{}
        _ = uuid.UUID{}

DB Table Details


JSON Sample
{    "id": 24,    "name": "AqVvPIytUihPNkKQpRCulFhGd",    "age": 86,    "description": "oaAyfCaKfIZpgLEIpmyununQE"}


// Human struct is a row record of the human table in the main database
type Human struct {
        //[ 0] id                                             int                  null: false  primary: true   isArray: false  auto: false  col: int             len: -1      default: []
        ID int32 `gorm:"primary_key;column:id;type:int;" json:"id"`
        //[ 1] name                                           varchar(255)         null: false  primary: false  isArray: false  auto: false  col: varchar         len: 255     default: []
        Name string `gorm:"column:name;type:varchar;size:255;" json:"name"`
        //[ 2] age                                            int                  null: false  primary: false  isArray: false  auto: false  col: int             len: -1      default: []
        Age int32 `gorm:"column:age;type:int;" json:"age"`
        //[ 3] description                                    text                 null: true   primary: false  isArray: false  auto: false  col: text            len: -1      default: []
        Description sql.NullString `gorm:"column:description;type:text;" json:"description"`

var humanTableInfo = &TableInfo{
        Name: "human",
        Columns: []*ColumnInfo{

                        Index:              0,
                        Name:               "id",
                        Comment:            ``,
                        Notes:              ``,
                        Nullable:           false,
                        DatabaseTypeName:   "int",
                        DatabaseTypePretty: "int",
                        IsPrimaryKey:       true,
                        IsAutoIncrement:    false,
                        IsArray:            false,
                        ColumnType:         "int",
                        ColumnLength:       -1,
                        GoFieldName:        "ID",
                        GoFieldType:        "int32",
                        JSONFieldName:      "id",
                        ProtobufFieldName:  "id",
                        ProtobufType:       "int32",
                        ProtobufPos:        1,

                        Index:              1,
                        Name:               "name",
                        Comment:            ``,
                        Notes:              ``,
                        Nullable:           false,
                        DatabaseTypeName:   "varchar",
                        DatabaseTypePretty: "varchar(255)",
                        IsPrimaryKey:       false,
                        IsAutoIncrement:    false,
                        IsArray:            false,
                        ColumnType:         "varchar",
                        ColumnLength:       255,
                        GoFieldName:        "Name",
                        GoFieldType:        "string",
                        JSONFieldName:      "name",
                        ProtobufFieldName:  "name",
                        ProtobufType:       "string",
                        ProtobufPos:        2,

                        Index:              2,
                        Name:               "age",
                        Comment:            ``,
                        Notes:              ``,
                        Nullable:           false,
                        DatabaseTypeName:   "int",
                        DatabaseTypePretty: "int",
                        IsPrimaryKey:       false,
                        IsAutoIncrement:    false,
                        IsArray:            false,
                        ColumnType:         "int",
                        ColumnLength:       -1,
                        GoFieldName:        "Age",
                        GoFieldType:        "int32",
                        JSONFieldName:      "age",
                        ProtobufFieldName:  "age",
                        ProtobufType:       "int32",
                        ProtobufPos:        3,

                        Index:              3,
                        Name:               "description",
                        Comment:            ``,
                        Notes:              ``,
                        Nullable:           true,
                        DatabaseTypeName:   "text",
                        DatabaseTypePretty: "text",
                        IsPrimaryKey:       false,
                        IsAutoIncrement:    false,
                        IsArray:            false,
                        ColumnType:         "text",
                        ColumnLength:       -1,
                        GoFieldName:        "Description",
                        GoFieldType:        "sql.NullString",
                        JSONFieldName:      "description",
                        ProtobufFieldName:  "description",
                        ProtobufType:       "string",
                        ProtobufPos:        4,

// TableName sets the insert table name for this struct type
func (h *Human) TableName() string {
        return "human"

// BeforeSave invoked before saving, return an error if field is not populated.
func (h *Human) BeforeSave() error {
        return nil

// Prepare invoked before saving, can be used to populate fields etc.
func (h *Human) Prepare() {

// Validate invoked before performing action, return an error if field is not populated.
func (h *Human) Validate(action Action) error {
        return nil

// TableInfo return table meta data
func (h *Human) TableInfo() *TableInfo {
        return humanTableInfo
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