
이동욱·2023년 8월 6일


목록 보기


  1. outer join
  2. subquery
  3. Single Row Subquery
  4. Mulit Row Subquery
  5. mulit column subquery
  6. inlineview
  7. sql 과제

Outer Join

INSERT INTO c_emp VALUES(201,'신입1',1500,'3429-0100',null);
INSERT INTO c_emp VALUES(202,'신입2',1500,'3429-0200',null);

select c.name 이름, s.dept_name 부서명 from c_emp c, s_dept s where c.dept_id = s.id; // null의 연산은 항상 false라 신입이 출력 안된다

select c.name 이름, s.dept_name 부서명 from c_emp c, s_dept s where c.dept_id = s.id(+); 신입사원까지 출력() //outer join

조건에 일치하는 데이터만 출력하는것이 아닌 조건에 해당하지 않는 데이터도 null로 처리하여 출력한다.


select c.id 사번, c.name 이름
from c_emp c
where c.dept_id = ( select dept_id from c_emp c where c.name = '이순신');

sql문에 또 다른 sql문을 추가하여 원하는 결과를 가져온다.

Single Row Subquery

name 이름, dept_id 부서아이디
from c_emp 
where dept_id = (select id from s_dept  where dept_name IN('총무부', '영업부'));

error : single-row subquery returns more than one row
//서브쿼리의 결과가 여러개이기에 에러 발생

서브 쿼리의 결과가 한개인 쿼리를 Single Row Subquery라 한다.

Mulit Row Subquery

name 이름, dept_id 부서아이디
from c_emp 
where dept_id IN (select id from s_dept  where dept_name IN('총무부', '영업부'));

서브쿼리의 결과가 여러개인 쿼리를 Mulit Row Subquery라 한다

  1. Multi Column Subquery

    name, salary, dept_id
    from c_emp
    where (salary, dept_id) IN (select MIN(salary), dept_id from c_emp group by c_emp.dept_id);

    여러개의 컬럼들을 검색하는 서브쿼리

  1. Inline View
select MIN(salary), dept_id 
from c_emp c (select dept_id, MIN(salary) min from c_emp group by dept_id) vt
where c.dept_id = vt.dept_id and c.salary = vt.min;

from절에서 서브쿼리를 통해 사용자 임의의 가상 테이블을 만들어 사용한다.


select * from tab; //내가 가지고있는 테이블을 보여줌

select empno 사번, ename 이름, mgr 관리자사번 from where emp order by empno;

select e1.empno 사번, e1.ename 이름, e1.mgr 관리자사번, e2.ename "관리자이름 조회"  
from emp e1, emp e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empno(+)
order by e1.empno;

select c2.id 사번, c2.name 이름
from c_emp c1, c_emp c2
where c1.name ='이순신'and c1.dept_id = c2.dept_id;

select c.name 이름, s.dept_name 부서명
from c_emp c, s_dept s
where c.dept_id = s.id and c.dept_id = (select c.dept_id from c_emp c where c.name = '이순신');

select *
from c_emp c, s_dept s, sal_grade sal
where c.dept_id = s.id and c.salary between sal.losal and sal.hisal; 

select c_emp.name, sal_grade.grade
from c_emp, sal_grade
where c_emp.salary between sal_grade.losal and sal_grade.hisal
and c_emp.name = '홍길동';


select e.employee_id 사번, e.department_id 부서번호, e.salary*12  연봉, round(vt.maxsal) 부서평균연봉
from employees e, (select employees.department_id id, AVG(salary) maxsal from employees group by employees.department_id) vt
where e.salary > vt.maxsal and e.department_id = vt.id;

select vt.ranking, vt.last_name, vt.first_name, vt.salary
from (select RANK() OVER(order by e.salary desc) ranking ,e.last_name, e.first_name, e.salary from employees e) vt
where vt.ranking between 6 and 10;

select extract(year from vt.hire_date) 년도, AVG(vt.avg) 평균급여
(select e.hire_date hire_date, AVG(e.salary) avg
from employees e
where e.job_id = 'SA_MAN'group by e.hire_date) vt
group by extract(year from vt.hire_date)
order by 1;

select e1.last_name 사원이름, NVL(e2.last_name, '<없음>') 매니저이름, d.department_name 부서이름
from employees e1, employees e2, departments d
where e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id(+) AND e1.department_id = d.department_id
AND e1.department_id IN (select d.department_id
from departments d
where d.location_id = 1700)
order by e1.last_name;

select e.last_name 사원이름, d.department_name 부서이름, vt.min 급여
from employees e, departments d,
(select e.department_id, MIN(e.salary)
 min from employees e
group by e.department_id) vt
e.department_id = d.department_id AND
e.department_id IN vt.department_id
and e.salary IN vt.min
order by d.department_name, e.last_name;

select d.department_id 
from locations l, departments d, (
		select e.department_id department_id, count(*) pepole, AVG(e.salary) salary_avg
		from employees e
		group by e.department_id
		having count(*) < 10) vt
where d.department_id = vt.department_id AND d.location_id = l.location_id;

select  j.job_title 직책, vt.salary_avg 평균급여
from jobs j, (
	select e.job_id, avg(e.salary) salary_avg
	from employees e
	where e.department_id = 30
	group by e.job_id) vt
where j.job_id = vt.job_id
order by vt.salary_avg;

select e.employee_id 사번, e.first_name ||' '|| e.last_name 이름 
from job_history jh ,employees e
where jh.job_id = (
	select j.job_id
	from jobs j
	where j.job_title = 'Public Accountant')
AND  e.employee_id = jh.employee_id;


select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, NVL(d.department_name,'<NOT-ASSIGNED>'), e.hire_date
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id(+) AND e.hire_date LIKE('99%');

select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.email, e.phone_number, e.hire_date, e.job_id, e.commission_pct, e. manager_id, e.department_id
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.department_name = 'Marketing';

select j.job_title, e.salary
from employees e, jobs j
where e.job_id = j.job_id and e.salary > 10000;


select e1.last_name, avg(e1.salary) salary
from employees e1, (
		select e1.salary, e1.employee_id 
		from employees e1, employees e2
		where e1.employee_id = e2.manager_id) mg
where e1.manager_id = mg.employee_id and e1.salary > mg.salary
group by e1.last_name;

select e.first_name, e.last_name, e.salary
from employees e, jobs j
where e.job_id = j.job_id and
e.job_id = (
		select j.job_id
		from jobs j
		where j.job_title = 'Sales Representative')
and e.salary between 9000 and 10000;

select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.salary
from employees e
where LOWER(e.first_name) LIKE LOWER('%al%') and e.salary > 4000;


select j.job_title, sum(A.salary)
from employees A, jobs j
where j.job_id = A.job_id
group by j.job_title
having sum(A.salary) > 30000
order by 2 desc;

select e.employee_id, e.first_name, j.job_title, vt.department_name
from employees e, jobs j ,
		select d.department_id, d.department_name
		from departments d, locations l
		where d.location_id = l.location_id and l.city = 'Seattle'
) vt
where e.job_id = j.job_id and e.department_id = vt.department_id;

select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.salary
from employees e, jobs j
where e.job_id = j.job_id and (j.job_title = 'Accountant' or j.job_title = 'Stock Clerk');


select d.department_name, MIN(e.salary) MINSAL, MAX(e.salary) MAXSAL, AVG(e.salary) AVGSAL
from departments d, employees e
where d.department_id = e.department_id
group by department_name;

select e.employee_id, e.department_id, e.salary, round(vt.avg_salary,0)
from employees e, 
	select d.department_id, AVG(e.salary) avg_salary
	from departments d, employees e
	where d.department_id = e.department_id
	group by d.department_id) vt
where e.department_id = vt.department_id and e.salary > vt.avg_salary;

select e.employee_id, d.department_name, e.salary, vt.avg
from employees e, departments d,
	select AVG(e.salary) avg, d.department_id
	from employees e, departments d
	where e.department_id = d.department_id
	group by d.department_id
) vt
where e.department_id = d.department_id and e.department_id = vt.department_id and d.department_id = 30;


select e.hire_date, e.employee_id, e.manager_id
from employees e
where e.hire_date between '80-01-01' AND '89-12-31';

select e.first_name, e.salary, d.department_name
from employees e, departments d,
	select AVG(e.salary) avg
	from employees e, departments d
	where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.department_id = 100
) vt
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.department_name = 'Sales' and e.salary < vt.avg;

select e.first_name, d.department_name
from locations l, employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.location_id = l.location_id
and l.city = 'South San Francisco' and e.salary between 7000 and 10000;


select to_char(e.hire_date, 'MON') 월, count(*) 직원수
from employees e
group by to_char(e.hire_date, 'MON')
order by 1;

select d.department_name, e.first_name, e.salary
from employees e, departments d,
select d.department_name d_name, MAX(e.salary) max_salary
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id
group by d.department_name
) vt
where e.department_id = d.department_id and e.salary = vt.max_salary and d.department_name = vt.d_name;

select d.department_name, MAX(e.salary) max, MIN(e.salary) min, AVG(e.salary) avg
from employees e, departments d 
where e.department_id = d.department_id
group by d.department_name
having AVG(e.salary) > 
select AVG(e.salary) avg
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.department_name = 'IT'
group by d.department_name)
and AVG(e.salary) < 
select AVG(e.salary) avg
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.department_name = 'Sales'
group by d.department_name

select NVL(d.department_name, '<신생부서>'), COUNT(*)
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id(+)
group by department_name
having COUNT(*) = 1
order by d.department_name desc NULLS LAST;

select d.department_name, vt.month, count(*) 
from departments d,
	select extract(month from e.hire_date) month, e.department_id department_id
	from employees e
	group by extract(month from e.hire_date), e.department_id
) vt
where d.department_id = vt.department_id
group by d.department_name, vt.month;
having 3 > 5;

select extract(year from vt.hire_date) 년도, AVG(vt.avg) 평균급여
(select e.hire_date hire_date, AVG(e.salary) avg
from employees e
where e.job_id = 'SA_MAN'group by e.hire_date) vt
group by extract(year from vt.hire_date)
order by 1;

select NVL(vt.c_name, '<부서없음>') 국가명, NVL(vt.l_city, '<부서없음>') 도시명, count(*) 직원수
from employees e, 
	select c.country_name c_name, l.city l_city, d.department_id as department_id
	from locations l, countries c, departments d
	where c.country_id = l.country_id and l.location_id = d.location_id(+)
) vt
where vt.department_id(+) = e.department_id
group by vt.c_name, vt.l_city
order by 1 nulls first;

select e.employee_id 직원아이디, e.first_name 이름, e.salary 급여, vtn.avg 부서평균
from employees e, 
select department_id, MAX(e.salary) max_salary
from employees e
group by e.department_id
) vt,
select d.department_id, AVG(e.salary) avg
from departments d, employees e
where d.department_id = e.department_id
group by d.department_id
) vtn
where e.department_id = vt.department_id and e.department_id = vtn.department_id and e.salary = vt.max_salary;

CREATE TABLE salgrade (
    grade number(2) primary key,
    losal number(5) not null,
    hisal number(5) not null

insert into salgrade
values(1, 1000, 5000);

insert into salgrade
values(2, 5001, 10000);

insert into salgrade
values(3, 10001, 20000);

insert into salgrade
values(4, 20001, 30000);

select s.grade 급여등급, count(*) 직원수
from employees e, salgrade s
where e.salary between s.losal and s.hisal
group by s.grade 
order by s.grade;

select round(e.commission_pct,1) 커미션, count(*) 직원수
from employees e
group by round(e.commission_pct,1);

select d.department_name 부서명, e.first_name 직원명, e.salary 급여, e.commission_pct 커미션
from employees e, departments d,
	select e.commission_pct, e.employee_id
	from employees e 
	where e.commission_pct is not null
	order by e.commission_pct desc
where e.department_id = d.department_id and e.employee_id = vt.employee_id and rownum <=4
order by e.commission_pct desc, e.salary desc;

Backend Developer

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