a very typical BFS question that is easy. but i made careless mistake of making it 1-indexed but it should have been 0-indexed.
I made bfs make nearby grids all 0
from collections import deque
def bfs(i, j):
moves = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
queue = deque()
queue.append((i, j))
visited[i][j] = True
while queue:
cur_x, cur_y = queue.popleft()
for move in moves:
next_x, next_y = cur_x + move[0], cur_y + move[1]
if 0 <= next_x < n and 0 <= next_y < m:
if not visited[next_x][next_y] and graph[next_x][next_y] == 1:
graph[next_x][next_y] = 0
visited[next_x][next_y] = True
queue.append((next_x, next_y))
t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
n, m, k = map(int, input().split())
graph = [[0 for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)]
visited = [[False for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)]
for _ in range(k):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
graph[a][b] = 1
ans = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if graph[i][j] and not visited[i][j]:
bfs(i, j)
ans += 1
The time complexity of your code is primarily determined by the breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm used to traverse the graph. Here's the analysis of the time complexity:
Graph Initialization: Creating the graph
and visited
matrices takes O(n * m) time, where 'n' is the number of rows, and 'm' is the number of columns.
BFS Traversal: The BFS algorithm explores each connected component of the graph exactly once. The worst-case time complexity for BFS is O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices (nodes) and E is the number of edges in the connected component.
In your code, you iterate over all cells in the graph. If a cell is part of a connected component, the BFS will traverse that entire component. So, in the worst case, your BFS complexity for one connected component is O(n * m) since it can visit every cell in the grid.
Outer Loop: Your code has an outer loop that runs 't' times, which corresponds to the number of test cases. Therefore, the overall time complexity is O(t n m) in the worst case.
Overall, your code's time complexity is O(t n m) because it processes 't' test cases, and for each test case, it processes an n x m grid with BFS.
Please note that if you have additional operations or calculations within the BFS or other parts of your code, the overall time complexity may change.