Fringe is the leaf nodes order sensitive.
How can you determine if two trees have same Fringe?
The best way is to take advantage of coroutine stack to represent iterator of secondary tree.
template<typename T> class Btree{
struct Node {...}; ... // other members
_Coroutine Iterator{
Node * cursor;
void walk(Node * node){ // walk tree
if(node == nullptr) return;
if(node->left == nullptr && node->right == nullptr) { // leaf node
cursor = node;
void main() {walk(cursor); cursor = nullptr;}
Iterator(Btree<T> & btree): cursor(&btree.root){}
T * next(){
return cursor;
... // other members
Consumer consumes as Producer produces something.
_Coroutine Consumer {
int p1, p2, status; bool done;
void main() { // starter prod
// 1st resume starts here
int money = 1;
for ( ; ! done; ) {
cout << "cons " << p1 << " "
<< p2 << " pay $"
<< money << endl;
status += 1;
suspend(); // activate delivery or stop
money += 1;
cout << "cons stops" << endl;
} // suspend / resume(starter)
Cons() : status(0), done(false) {}
int delivery( int p1, int p2 ) {
Cons::p1 = p1; Cons::p2 = p2;
resume(); // activate main
return status;
void stop() { done = true; resume(); } // activate main
_Coroutine Producer{
Cons & c;
int N;
void main() { // starter ::main
// 1st resume starts here
for ( int i = 0; i < N; i += 1 ) {
int p1 = rand() % 100; // products
int p2 = rand() % 100;
cout << "prod " << p1
<< " " << p2 << endl;
int status = p1, p2 );
cout << " stat " << status << endl;
cout << "prod stops" << endl;
} // suspend / resume(starter)
Prod( Cons & c ) : c(c) {}
void start( int N ) {
Prod::N = N;
resume(); // activate main
Note that Producer never suspend(), so Producer doesn't need to be a coroutine.
When you run out off the main() of Coroutine, you go to the starter coroutine instead of the last resumer.
Usually starter and the last resumer are the same coroutine, but there are some cases where these two are different.