Why Use the Aura Components Programming Model?

Jaehyun_Ban·2022년 4월 15일

The benefits include an out-of-the-box set of components, event-driven architecture, and framework optimized for performance.
그 이점은 포함한다 - 즉시사용 가능한 구성요소, 이벤트중점의 아키텍쳐(설계), 그리고 퍼포먼스를 위해 최적화된 프레임워크를

Out-of-the-box Components

Comes with an out-of-the-box set of components to kick start building apps. You don't have to spend your time optimizing your apps for different devices as the components take care of that for you.

Rich Custom Component Ecosystem

풍부한 맞춤 구성요소 생태계

Create business-ready components and make them available in the Salesforce mobile app, Lighning Experience, and Experience Builder sites. Salesforce mobile app users access your components via the navigation menu.

Rich Custom Component Ecosystem

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