[splunk] Visualizations

zyeon·2022년 8월 4일


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Topic 1 – Formatting Commands

▪ fields

: 검색 결과에서 특정 필드를 포함시키거나 제거할 경우 사용한다.

index=web sourcetype=access_combined product_name=*
| fields product_name price

→ product_name과 price 필드만 검색된다.

index=web sourcetype=access_combined product_name=*
| fields - product_name price

→ product_name과 price가 제외된 필드만 검색된다.

index=web sourcetype=access_combined product_name=*
| fields -product_name price

→ price 필드만 검색된다.

▪ table

: 필드명과 결합해 검색 결과를 테이블 형식으로 보여준다.

index=web sourcetype=access_combined product_name=*
| table JESSIONID product_name price

JESSIONID, product_name, price 순으로 보여짐.

▪ dedup

: 중복제거

index=web sourcetype=access_combined product_name=*
| dedup JESSIONID price

→ JESSIONID의 중복 값이 제거된 결과 값이 나온다.

▪ addtotals

: 각 검색 결과에 대한 모든 숫자 필드의 산술 합계 결과를 통계탭에 보여준다.
합계를 구하려는 필드 목록을 지정할 수 있다.

index=sales sourcetype=vender_sales product_name=* VendorCountry="United States" OR VendorCountry="Canada"
| chart sum(price) over product_name by VendorCountry

index=sales sourcetype=vender_sales product_name=* VendorCountry="United States" OR VendorCountry="Canada"
| chart sum(price) over product_name by VendorCountry
| addtotals

: 열 합계를 계산하여 맨 밑에 각 필드의 합계를 나타내는 새 결과를 추가한다.

index=sales sourcetype=vender_sales product_name=* VendorCountry="United States" OR VendorCountry="Canada"
| chart sum(price) over product_name by VendorCountry
| addtotals col=true label="Total Sales" labelfield="product_name" fieldname="Total By Product"

▪ The fieldformat command

: 필드 값의 형식을 변경할 수 있다.

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales product_name=*
| stats sum(price) as Total by product_name
| addtotal col=t label="Total Sales" labelfield="product_name"
| fieldformat Total = "$" + tostring(Total, "commas")

Topic 2 – Visualizing Data

▪ Explore visualization types

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| stats count(linecount) as "Units Sold" by product_name

▪ Use transforming commands to order results into a data table:

o | top

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| top Vendor

  • Top Command Clauses
    limit = int
    countfield = string
    percentfield = string
    showcount = True/False
    showperc = True/False
    otherstr = string
index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| top product_name by Vendor limit=3 countfield="Number of Sales" showperc=false

o | rare

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| rare product_name by Vendor limit=3 showperc=false countfield="Number of Sales" useother=true

o | stats

  • Common Stats Functions
    distinct count
index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| stats count as "Total Sales by Vendors" by product_name, categoryId, sale_price

o | chart

index=web soucetype=access_combined status>299
| chart count over status by host

index=web soucetype=access_combined status>299 product_name=*
| chart count over host by product_name useother=f

o | timechart

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| timechart span=12hr sum(price) by product_name 

o | trendline

index=web sourcetype=access_combined action=purchase status=200
| timechart sum(price) as sales
| trendline wma2(sales) as trend

  • Trendtype :
    simple moving average (sma)
    exponential moving average (ema)
    weighted moving average (wma)


▪ Understand when to use different transforming commands

Topic 3 – Generating Maps

▪ Explore geographic visualization types

▪ Use commands specific to geographic data

o | iplocation

index=security sourcetype=linux_secure action=success src_ip!=10.*
| iplocation src_ip

o | geostats

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales
| geostats latfield=VendorLatitude longfield=VendorLongitude count by product_name globallimit=4
index=security sourcetype=linux_secure action=success src=ip!=10.*
| iplocation src_ip
| geostats latfield=lat longfield=lon count

o geom

index=sales sourcetype=vendor_sales VendorID>=5000 AND VendorID<=5055 
| stats count as Sales by VendorCountry
| geom geo_countries teatureIdField=VendorCountry

▪ Prepare data for use in a choropleth map

Topic 4 – Single Value Visualizations

▪ Use visual formatting options for single value visualizations

index=web sourcetype=access_combined action=purchase status=200 
| stats sum(price) as Total

▪ Add a sparkline to a single value visualization

▪ Use the Trellis layout to split visualizations

▪ Use the gauge command

▪ Use the radial, filler, and marker gauge visualization types

Topic 5 – Visual Formatting

▪ Explore formatting options for statistical tables

index=web sourcetype=access_combined file=*
| chart sum(bytes) over host by file

▪ Create a chart overlay

▪ Explore formatting options for different types of visualizations

index=web sourcetype=access_combined action=purchase status=200 
| timechart sum(price) as sales
| trendline wma2(sales) as trend

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