5. SQL part 2 -2

Yona·2021년 10월 27일

🌙 CS_DataBase

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단일 값(single value)이 다수 값에 속하는가를 검사

  • Get names and salaries of professor who has ID with 10 or 21 or 22
    • Select name, salary
      from professor
      where pID in (10, 21, 22); // 이 안에 존재하면 참```


값 하나 간의 비교는 간단하나, 값 하나와 여러 값 간의 비교는 간단하지 않다. 그래서 some, any, all연산자를 지원한다

  • example
    • (1>2) : false
    • (3 > all {2,3}) : false // 3>2이고, 3>3이어야 참
    • (3 > some {2,3}) : true // 3>2이기 때문에 참
    • (3 > any {2,3}) : any = some
  • any = some
    • any (= some)은 “속한다” 의미의 in 연산자와 동일
    • not some 다수 개의 중의 하나와도 같이 않으면 참인데, ”not in"는 전체에 속하지 않아야 참이므로,동일하지 않다.
  • 등호와 사용

set comparision EX

  • Find professor names with salary greater than that of some (at least one) professor in CS department
// ver1
Select name, salary
from professor as T, professor as S
where T.salary > S.salary and S.deptName='CS'

Select name
from professor
where salary > some (select salary
		     from professor
             where deptName = 'CS');
  • Find the professor names whose salary is greater than the salary of all professors in CS department
Select name
from professor
where salary > all (select salary
                    from professor
                    where deptName='CS');

Correlated Subqueries

내부 중첩질의에서 외부 테이블을 참조하면, 이를 correlated subquery라고 부른다.

  • correlated subqueries 사용시
    • subquey를 외부 테이블의 각 튜플 값에 대해 evaluated되어야
    • 그래서 Time-consuming evaluation


인자 형태로 subquery 결과가 존재하면 참

  • 정의

    • exists r : r이 공집합이 아닐때 참
    • not exists r : r이 공집합일때만 참
  • 예시

    • Find all course numbers taught in both the Fall 2009 semester and in the Fall 2010 semester

      • Select s.cID
        from teaches as S
        where S.semester='Fall' and S.year=2009 and
        exists (select *
               from teaches as T
               where T.semester='Fall' and T.year=2010
               and S.cID = T.cID);```
    • not-correlated 된 subquery에 exists를 쓰는것은 무의미하다

      • Select distinct sID
        from student
        where exists (select cID
                     from course
                     whree deptName='CS');
        // 아래 문장과 동일하다
        select distinct sID from stuent;```

for all = not exists

sql에서 for all은 제공하지 않으므로, not exists(...except ...) 로 표현한다

for all = not exists(반드시 공집합이 나오는 것)

  • Find all student IDs and names who have taken all courses offered in ‘CS’ department
    •  Select sID, name
       from student as S
       where not exists( (select cID
                          from course
                          where deptName='CS')
             except (select T.cID
                     from takes as T
                     where S.sID = T.sID)
      );// CS가 제공하는 강의 주 어떤건 듣고, 어떤걸 안들으면 거짓 리턴```


인자형식으로 표현되는 서브질의 결과에 중복성이 있는지를 검사
unique(r)에서 만약 r이 공집합이면(즉, 질의 결과가 없으면) true

  • ⚠️ null 값을 가지는 터플은 중복으로 나와도 unique하다고 판별한다. 터플 중의 속성이 한 개라도 널 값을 가지면 동일하지 않다고 판별하므로 주의해야
  • unique(공집합) = true
  • Find all courses that were offered at most once in 2009
    • //ver1
      Select C.cID
      from course as C
      where unique(select T.cID
                   from teaches as T
                   where C.cID=T.cID and T.year=2009);
      // ver2
      Select C.cID
      from course as C
      where 1 >= (select count(T.cID)
                  from teaches as T
                  where C.cID=T.cID and T.year=2009);```

from 내 subquery

  • Find department name and the average salary of the professors of the department where the average salary is greater than 6900

    • // ver 1
      Select deptName, avg(salary)
      from (select deptName, avg(salary) as avgSalary
            from professor
            group by deptName)
      where avgSalary > 6900;
      // ver 2
      Select deptName, avgSalary
      from (select deptName, avg(salary)
           from professor
           group by deptName) as deptAvg(deptName, avgSalary)
      where avgSalary > 6900;```
  • Find the maximum total salary of department across all departments

    • // ver1
      Select max(totalSalary)
      from (select deptName, sum(salary)
            from professor
            group by deptName) as deptTot(deptName, totalSalary);
      Select sum(salary)
      from professor
      group by deptName
      having sum(salary) >= all(select sum(salary)
      			  from professor
                    group by deptName);```

with 절

SQL 문장의 결과를 임시 저장

  • Find the department name with the maximum budget, along with its budget

    • //ver 1
      With maxBudget(value) as 
           (select max(budget)
           from department)
      select deptName, budget
      from department, maxBudget
      where department.budget = maxBudget.value;
      // ver2
      Select deptName, budget
      from department
      where budget=(select max(budget) from department);```
  • Find all departments where the total salary is greater than the average of the total salary at all departments

    • with deptTotal(deptName, value) as
                    (select deptName, sum(salary)
                    from professor
                    group by deptName),
          deptTotalAvg(value) as
                    (select avg(value)
                    from deptTotal)
      select deptName
      from deptTotal, deptTotalAvg
      where deptTotal.value > deptTotalAvg.value;```

scalar subquery

결과 테이블이 하나의 속성으로 이루어지고 동시에 하나의 튜플만을 가지면 서브질의가 연산 식에서 값이 반환되는 어떤 곳이라도 나타날 수 있게 한다. 이러한 서브질의를 scalar subquery라고 함

  • To find department names along with the number of professors
    • Select deptName, (select count(*)
                        from professor p1
                        where d1.deptName = p1.deptName)
      from department d1;```
    • select 절 안의 deptName과 (...) 이 두 개 동등하게 scalar이기 때문에 select A, B로쓸 수 있다.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn 🏃‍♀️

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