vim 단축키

YEONGHUN KO·2024년 1월 11일


목록 보기

ssh에서 vim을 이용해 파일을 수정할 일이 많아져서 정리해본다.

크게 insert모드와 normal모드로 visual모드로 나눠진다.

esc - normal mode

file modified

:q - quit
:w - write(save)
:wq - write & quit
:q! - quit override (not saving anything)


o - new line below
O - new line above

b - previous word
W - next word (ignore special characters)
zz - centerd selected line
4 + j/<Down Arrow> - move four lines down

A - move to end of the line and insert
I - move to start of the line and insert

change the word

dw - delete word
D - delete rest of line
dd - delete line - deletes the whole line wherever your cursor is
cc - change line - change the whole line wherever your cursor is

time traveling

u - undo
ctrl + u - redo

i - insert mode

Ctrl + u - undo

v - visual mode

arrow key - select
d - delete
y - yanking(copy)
c - change
p - paste
ctrl + v - visual block
shift + v - visual line
> - indent
< - unindent

searching + replace

/word + enter - search for "word"

  • n - next occurence
  • N - previous occurence

*:s/old/new/g - replace word only on current line
:%s/old/new/g - replace everywhere


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