N, K = map(int, input().split())
arr = []
visited = [False for i in range(150001)]
answer = 0
def bfs(start, depth):
global answer
arr.append([start, depth])
visited[start] = True
while len(arr) > 0:
curr = arr[0][0]
d = arr[0][1]
del arr[0]
next1, next2, next3 = curr * 2, curr + 1, curr - 1
if next1 == K or next2 == K or next3 == K:
answer = d + 1
if next1 < 150001 and not visited[next1]:
visited[next1] = True
arr.append([next1, d + 1])
if next2 < 150001 and not visited[next2]:
visited[next2] = True
arr.append([next2, d + 1])
if next3 >= 0 and not visited[next3]:
visited[next3] = True
arr.append([next3, d + 1])
if N!= K:
bfs(N, 0)