AWS EKS 1.27 -> 1.28

이언철·2024년 8월 12일


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EKS kubernetes 버전 지원종료에 따른 업데이트

[kubernetes 1.28]

Kubernetes v1.28 expanded the supported skew between core node and control plane components by one minor version, from n-2 to n-3, so that node components (kubelet and kube-proxy) for the oldest supported minor version can work with control plane components (kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager) for the newest supported minor version.

Metrics force_delete_pods_total and force_delete_pod_errors_total in the Pod GC Controller are enhanced to account for all forceful pods deletion. A reason is added to the metric to indicate whether the pod is forcefully deleted because it's terminated, orphaned, terminating with the out-of-service taint, or terminating and unscheduled.

The PersistentVolume (PV) controller has been modified to automatically assign a default StorageClass to any unbound PersistentVolumeClaim with the storageClassName not set. Additionally, the PersistentVolumeClaim admission validation mechanism within the API server has been adjusted to allow changing values from an unset state to an actual StorageClass name.

kubernetes: 1.28
CoreDNS: v1.10.1-eksbuild.11
kube-proxy: v1.28.8-eksbuild.5
vpc-cni: v1.18.2-eksbuild.1
ebs-csi-driver: v1.28.0-eksbuild.1
node: 1.28.11 (auto managed karpenter)

Soomgo, DevOps

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