코드트리 | 코딩테스트 준비를 위한 알고리즘 정석
import sys
N = int(sys.stdin.readline())
dust_map = []
for _ in range(N):
dust_map.append(list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())))
direction_map = [[False] * N for _ in range(N)]
for a in range(N // 2):
direction_map[N // 2 - a][N // 2 - a - 1] = True
direction_map[N // 2 + a + 1][N // 2 - a - 1] = True
direction_map[N // 2 + a + 1][N // 2 + a + 1] = True
direction_map[N // 2 - a - 1][N // 2 + a + 1] = True
direction = {0: (0, -1), 1: (1, 0), 2: (0, 1), 3: (-1, 0)}
def move_curr(curr_loc, d_id):
빗자루 현재 위치 이동
return [curr_loc[0] + direction[d_id][0], curr_loc[1] + direction[d_id][1]]
def up_down_direction(curr_loc, d_id):
x, y = curr_loc
dx = direction[d_id][0]
direction_dict = {
0.1: [(x + dx, y + 1), (x + dx, y - 1)],
0.07: [(x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)],
0.05: [(x + 2 * dx, y)],
0.02: [(x, y + 2), (x, y - 2)],
0.01: [(x - dx, y + 1), (x - dx, y - 1)]
return direction_dict
def left_right_direction(curr_loc, d_id):
x, y = curr_loc
dy = direction[d_id][1]
direction_dict = {
0.1: [(x - 1, y + dy), (x + 1, y + dy)],
0.07: [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y)],
0.05: [(x, y + 2 * dy)],
0.02: [(x + 2, y), (x - 2, y)],
0.01: [(x + 1, y - dy), (x - 1, y - dy)]
return direction_dict
def move_dust(curr_loc, d_id, answer):
먼지 이동
d % 2 == 0: 좌우 이동
d % 2 == 1: 상하 이동
if d % 2 == 0:
direction_dict = left_right_direction(curr_loc, d_id)
direction_dict = up_down_direction(curr_loc, d_id)
x, y = curr_loc
curr_dust = dust_map[x][y]
sum_dust = 0
for rate, xy_list in direction_dict.items():
for r, c in xy_list:
sum_dust += int(curr_dust * rate)
if 0 <= r < N and 0 <= c < N:
dust_map[r][c] += int(curr_dust * rate)
answer += int(curr_dust * rate)
dx, dy = direction[d_id]
if 0 <= x + dx < N and 0 <= y + dy < N:
dust_map[x + dx][y + dy] += curr_dust - sum_dust
answer += curr_dust - sum_dust
dust_map[x][y] = 0
return answer
def rotate_direction(curr_loc, d_i):
if direction_map[curr_loc[0]][curr_loc[1]]:
return (d_i + 1) % 4
return d_i
curr = [N // 2, N // 2]
d = 0
answer = 0
while curr != [0, 0]:
curr = move_curr(curr, d)
answer = move_dust(curr, d, answer)
d = rotate_direction(curr, d)