[Trie] Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

Yongki Kim·2023년 9월 9일

211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure

지문은 링크에서 확인해주세요.

1. 해답을 보지 않고 스스로 문제를 해결한 과정

function TrieNode() {
  this.children = new Map();
  this.isEndOfWord = false;

var WordDictionary = function () {
  this.root = new TrieNode();

 * @param {string} word
 * @return {void}
WordDictionary.prototype.addWord = function (word) {
  let cur = this.root;

  for (const each of word) {
    if (!cur.children.has(each)) {
      cur.children.set(each, new TrieNode());

    cur = cur.children.get(each);

  cur.isEndOfWord = true;

 * @param {string} word
 * @return {boolean}
WordDictionary.prototype.search = function (word) {
  const searchRecursive = (node, word) => {
    if (word.length === 0) {
      return node.isEndOfWord;

    const c = word[0];

    if (c === ".") {
      const ans = [];

      for (const [_, child] of node.children) {        
        ans.push(searchRecursive(child, word.substring(1)));

      return ans.some((each) => each);
    const child = node.children.get(c);

    if (!child) {
      return false;

    return searchRecursive(child, word.substring(1));

  return searchRecursive(this.root, word);

 * Your WordDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = new WordDictionary()
 * obj.addWord(word)
 * var param_2 = obj.search(word)

연관된 직전 게시글에서 [Trie] Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) TrieNode의 children 필드를 JS객체를 사용하였지만, 본 해답에서는 Map을 사용하였습니다. 그 이유는 .와 같이 children을 모두 순회해야하는 경우가 있기 때문입니다.

2. 여러 해답을 직접 찾아서 자신이 작성한 알고리즘에 대해서 회고한 내용

2-1. Using trie more simple

해답의 전문은 링크를 확인해주세요.

WordDictionary.prototype.search = function (word) {
  // helper function to call recursively
  const searchHelper = (currentNode, i) => {
    // if we reach the i that's the length of word and currentNode is a word ending, word exists.
    if (i === word.length) return currentNode.isWordEnding;

    const char = word[i];

    // if char is a dot, that means we can match it with any letter.
    // to do that programmatically, we go through all of the children of the current node. why?
    // we don't know which, if any, of the children can use the dot to make the given string.
    // so we go through all of them and check if any of them can return true.
    if (char === ".") {
      for (const char of Object.keys(currentNode.children)) {
        const child = currentNode.children[char];
        if (searchHelper(child, i + 1)) return true;

      // if no child can make use of the dot to come up with the given word,
      // then even the alternative version (e.g 'pad')
      // of the given string (e.g 'pa.') doesn't exist in our dictionary.
      return false;

    // if char isn't a dot, it's more straightforward...
    else {
      // looking for a letter that should come after another and can't find it?
      // that means the word doesn't exist in our dictionary so return false.
      if (!(char in currentNode.children)) return false;

      // go on to the next node in our dictionary and the next letter in the word
      return searchHelper(currentNode.children[char], i + 1);

  // we call this function by starting at our root node with the index for the first letter in the string
  return searchHelper(this.root, 0);

children을 순회하면서 유효한 child인지 판별하는 과정을 중점적으로 살펴보았습니다. 필자의 해답은 판별 결과를 배열로 집계한 뒤, some 배열 메소드로 유효한 값만 걸러내었습니다. 본 해답은 판별을 수행하는 재귀함수 결과값이 boolean 타입이기 때문에 이를 유효한 값만 걸러내는 로직에 바로 활용하였습니다.

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