To clone code the Momentum page in able to learn the basic concepts of javasciprt
The following page is composed of mainly 6 sections :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<script defer src="js/greetings.js"></script>
<script defer src="js/clock.js"></script>
<script defer src="js/quotes.js"></script>
<script defer src="js/background.js"></script>
<script defer src="js/todo.js"></script>
<script defer src="js/weather.js"></script>
<div class="cover">
<div id="weather">
<h2 id="clock">00:00:00</h2>
<form class="login-form hidden">
maxlength = "15"
placeholder="What is your name?">
<button>Log In</button>
<h1 id="greeting" class="hidden"></h1>
<form action="" id="todo-form">
<input type="text" placeholder="Write a To do and Press Enter" required>
<ul id="todo-list"></ul>
<a href=""> Go to Homepage</a>
<div id="quote">
<span></span> <br>
Variables defined
const loginForm = document.querySelector(".login-form");
const loginInput = loginForm.querySelector("input");
const loginButton = loginForm.querySelector("button");
const link = document.querySelector("a");
const greeting = document.querySelector("#greeting");
//HIDDEN_CLASSNAME variable is used as a class name that is used in the CSS styling of display : none;
const HIDDEN_CLASSNAME = "hidden";
const USERNAME_KEY = "username";
document.querySelector allows to select the html tags using the selectors
Initially, the page would want to input the username so that the greeting quote will be shown. After the user inputs the name, the page should store the name into the local storage(temporary storage on web) to show the name everytime the user opens the webpage again, without needing to type their username again
//Want to make the program to remember username once username is typed
//If there is no username stored, show the input form
const savedUsername = localStorage.getItem(USERNAME_KEY);
if(savedUsername == null) {
//No saved username : show input form
loginForm.addEventListener("submit", onLoginSubmit);
} else{
//Saved username exist : show greeting
const savedUsername = localStorage.getItem(USERNAME_KEY);
to be able to find a variable in the local storage with name "username"savedUsername
, You would have to show the input form on the pagedisplay : none;
, Therefore form is not shown on webpage by defaultloginForm.classList.remove(HIDDEN_CLASSNAME);
removes the class name of the input value from the selected loginForm objectloginForm.addEventListener("submit", onLoginSubmit);
allows the onLoginSubmit()
function to activate once the user submits the input on the form to deal with the information paintGreetings();
function :
//Have to stop refresh when submit happens(refresh is default behavior of HTML)
function onLoginSubmit(event) {
//Prevent the default value(page refresh) of browser by using function
//event argument is normally automatically passed by JS.
//IT represents the current events that the brwoser executes autoamtically
const username = loginInput.value;
//Hide login form after input is submitted
//Use web API to store values in local storage
//The first argument represents the name of the variable,
//and second argument is the value of variable
localStorage.setItem(USERNAME_KEY, username);
loginForm.addEventListener("submit", onLoginSubmit);
will pass the default behavior of submit event and cause the webpage to automatically refreshevent.preventDefault()
would be able to prevent the default value(page refresh) of browser to activateloginForm.classList.add(HIDDEN_CLASSNAME);
localStorage.setItem(USERNAME_KEY, username);
function :
function paintGreetings() {
const username = localStorage.getItem("username");
greeting.innerText = `Hello ${username}`;
Objective : To show current time in correct format
Code :
const clock = document.querySelector("h2#clock");
function getClock() {
const date = new Date();
//.padStart() converts the string object to fit the number of letters to the 1st number input with the string in 2nd argument, infront of the string
//Only applies to string therefore has to convert string to integer
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2,"0");
const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2,"0");
const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2,"0");
clock.innerText = `${hours}:${minutes}`;
setInterval(getClock, 1000);
setInterval(getClock, 1000);
: Function that repeats the function in first argument for a certain amount of interval, specified in the 2nd intervalgetClock();
is immediately called vefore the setInterval function to directly show the timde when page is refreshed (without delay)Date()
gives the functions that is related to current time : Can bet using functions such as .getHours()
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2,"0");
: .padStart()
converts string object to fit the number of letters to the 1st argument, and fills the left blank space ith the 2nd argument inputString()
converts a int variable to stringObjective : Store several quotes in array in form of object. Then show a different quote whenever page is refreshed
Code :
//Aray of objects. Each object has 2 string variables, (1 storing quotes, 1 stroing author)
const quotes = [
quote : "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. ",
author : "Steve Jobs"
quote : "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.",
author : "John Lenon"
quote : "Stay hungry, stary foolish",
author : "Steve Jobs"
quote : "Just do it",
author : "Nike"
const quote = document.querySelector("#quote span:first-child");
const author = document.querySelector("#quote span:last-child");
//To generate a random number between 0~3 : Math.floor((Math.random()*10)%quotes.length())
const todaysQuote = quotes[Math.floor((Math.random()*10)%quotes.length)];
quote.textContent = todaysQuote.quote;
author.textContent =;
: Truncates a decimal to its lower integerMath.random()
: Generates a random number between 0~1Math.floor((Math.random()*10)%quotes.length)
: Generates a random number between 0~(# of objects in array)todaysQuote
and it is shown in the screenconst images = ["background.jpeg", "hkust.jpg", "stanford_ms.jpg"];
const chosenImage = images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)];
//Inset html img tag using JS
//create tag using createElement function
const bgImage = document.createElement("img");
bgImage.src = `img/${chosenImage}`;
//Add the made tag into html page
array stores several images.chosenImage
randomly selects an image and storesdocument.createElement()
creates a HTML tag and gives the tag name following of the input<img>
tag is addeddocument.body.appendChild(bgImage);
Objective : To input the things to do from user and show it in a list form. Also enable to delete the to do list when clicking the X button
Variables defined :
const toDoForm = document.getElementById("todo-form");
const toDoInput = document.querySelector("#todo-form input");
const toDoList = document.getElementById("todo-list");
let toDos =[];
let idNum=0;
const TODOS_KEY = "todos";
is used to store a string that is used several times("todos") : This is for easy debuggingGeneral flow of to do's section :
toDoForm.addEventListener("submit", handleToDoSubmit);
const savedToDos = localStorage.getItem(TODOS_KEY);
//To keep show the typed to dos on screen
if(savedToDos) {
const parsedToDos = JSON.parse(savedToDos);
//Update the to dos array so that the original values are stored
//When web detects more submit, it pushes elements to the updated array
toDos = parsedToDos;
//For simple functions, we can use arrow function to simplify code
//Use the paintToDo function already made to paint the to do list on screen
: To add the input to the storing arraylocalStorage.getItem(TODOS_KEY);
and store it in variableparse()
in JSON.forEach
-> It passes the info of the element of array to the function and prints the stored to dosfunction handleToDoSubmit(event) {
const newToDo = toDoInput.value;
toDoInput.value = "";
//Push the input to do to the storing array
//Also push the id of the to do input
//Array stores objects!!
const newToDoObj = {
text: newToDo,
id: idNum++,
//Create a list of todos
function paintToDo(newToDo) {
//Create li , span and button tag
const li = document.createElement("li");
//Add ID to the li tag on HTML (give id of the element array's id) =;
const span = document.createElement("span");
const button = document.createElement("button");
//Add content of button and span
span.innerText = newToDo.text;
button.innerText = "❌";
//Check if button is clicked
button.addEventListener("click", deleteToDo);
//Put span tag inside of li tag
//Put the whole list tag inside todo-list
function function deleteToDo(event) {
//Now each button is linked to its parent element : list, and therefore differentiated with other buttons
const li =;
//filter() function passes each element of the array to the function inside filter()
toDos = toDos.filter((element)=>!==parseInt(;
//Call saveToDos once more to update the local storage
links the button to its parent element : <li> tag that covers the clicked button.filter()
function passes each element of the array to the function inside filter toDos = toDos.filter((element)=>!==parseInt(;
is an arrow function : The passed element of the array returns the element only if the id of the element is not equal to the selected buttons idsaveToDos()
to update the to do list on local storagefunction saveToDos() {
localStorage.setItem(TODOS_KEY, JSON.stringify(toDos));
Objective : Use the weather API to get the current location and weather and show it in screen
const API_KEY = "93b01e7d4f2378f6c818a5dc686539c9";
function onGeoSuccess(position) {
const lat = position.coords.latitude;
const long = position.coords.longitude;
const url = `${lat}&lon=${long}&appid=${API_KEY}&units=metric`;
//Using fetch, you do not have to go to url, but js will call url
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
const weatherContainer = document.querySelector("#weather span:first-child");
const cityContainer = document.querySelector("#weather span:last-child");
cityContainer.textContent =;
weatherContainer.textContent = `${[0].main} / ${data.main.temp}`;
function onGeoError() {
alert("Cant find position");
//First argument : function called when can get position, Second : function called when can't get current position
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError);
and position.coords.longitude
each return the current location of the user using coordinatesfetch()
, the URL can be brought to the webpage without needing to access : Info can be brought