MP : 일반적인 주제
What / Feeling / Why <- 3개 중에 1~3 포함
Appoints = 예약, 사람한테 예약 / reservation(후불) , booking(선불) <- 사람 아님
Enjoy, Cool
i enjoy chatting with my friends at cafe. Enjoyable
i really like the cafe vibe
by the way i really like his vibe.
Here in Korea, there are so many adorable cafes in here
멘붕할때는 Anyway, anyways, anyhow
-quick comparison strategy
i never went to cafe before i thought it was too expensive
but now / these days / i really like / i really love to
정리) Habit
i enjoy chatting with my friends at cafe <- action, 행동
quick comparison strategy
i didn't go cafe because price of coffee is too expensive
but these day, i really like to
but in the past, i usually went to cafes ALONE
you know what? it's was so boring i hated it
so these days
i alway fo with someone usally a friend/ conversation / coffe