오픽노잼 정리 - Habit

김영기·2024년 12월 20일


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MP : 일반적인 주제
What / Feeling / Why <- 3개 중에 1~3 포함

Q1. what kinds of appointment do you make in your life? where do you go to make your appoints?

Appoints = 예약, 사람한테 예약 / reservation(후불) , booking(선불) <- 사람 아님

Descrpition / habit / Comparsion Someone else

Past experience 무조건 Someone else

Enjoy, Cool


Q2. what do you normally do when you go to coffee shops? Do you have meetings or gatherings there? Tell me what you like to do.

  1. Um...
  2. And Um....
  3. And so....

i enjoy chatting with my friends at cafe. Enjoyable
i really like the cafe vibe
by the way i really like his vibe.

Here in Korea, there are so many adorable cafes in here
멘붕할때는 Anyway, anyways, anyhow
-quick comparison strategy

i never went to cafe before i thought it was too expensive

but now / these days / i really like / i really love to

정리) Habit
i enjoy chatting with my friends at cafe <- action, 행동

quick comparison strategy

  1. i didn't go cafe because price of coffee is too expensive
    but these day, i really like to

  2. but in the past, i usually went to cafes ALONE
    you know what? it's was so boring i hated it

    so these days
    i alway fo with someone usally a friend/ conversation / coffe


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