TypeORM - Entity Manager vs Query Builder (feat: nullable, relations)

오픈소스·2023년 6월 21일

Entity Code

export class User {
    id: number

    name: string

    @OneToMany(() => Photo, (photo) => photo.user)
    photos: Relation<Photo>[]

import { Column, Entity, ManyToOne, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Relation } from 'typeorm';
import { User } from './User.js';

export class Photo {
  id: number

  url: string

  @Column({ nullable: true })
  place?: string

  @ManyToOne(() => User)
  user: Relation<User> // https://stackoverflow.com/a/71983552

Entity Manager

    const photo = await AppDataSource.manager.findOne(Photo, {
        where: {
            id: 1,
            place: undefined
        relations: {
            user: true
query: SELECT "Photo"."id" AS "Photo_id", "Photo"."url" AS "Photo_url", "Photo"."place" AS "Photo_place", "Photo"."userId" AS "Photo_userId", "Photo__Photo_user"."id" AS "Photo__Photo_user_id", "Photo__Photo_user"."name" AS "Photo__Photo_user_name" FROM "photo" "Photo" LEFT JOIN "user" "Photo__Photo_user" ON "Photo__Photo_user"."id"="Photo"."userId" WHERE ( ("Photo"."id" = $1) ) AND ( "Photo"."id" IN (1) ) -- PARAMETERS: [1]


    const photo = await AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo).findOne({
        where: {
            id: 1,
            place: "seoul"
        relations: {
            user: true
query: SELECT "Photo"."id" AS "Photo_id", "Photo"."url" AS "Photo_url", "Photo"."place" AS "Photo_place", "Photo"."userId" AS "Photo_userId", "Photo__Photo_user"."id" AS "Photo__Photo_user_id", "Photo__Photo_user"."name" AS "Photo__Photo_user_name" FROM "photo" "Photo" LEFT JOIN "user" "Photo__Photo_user" ON "Photo__Photo_user"."id"="Photo"."userId" WHERE ( ("Photo"."id" = $1 AND "Photo"."place" = $2) ) AND ( "Photo"."id" IN (1) ) -- PARAMETERS: [1,"seoul"]

Query Builder

    const photoId = 1;
    const place = "seoul";

    const photo = await AppDataSource
        .leftJoinAndSelect("photo.user", "user")
        .where(`photo.id=:photoId ${place ? 'AND photo.place=:place' : ''}`, {
query: SELECT "photo"."id" AS "photo_id", "photo"."url" AS "photo_url", "photo"."place" AS "photo_place", "photo"."userId" AS "photo_userId", "user"."id" AS "user_id", "user"."name" AS "user_name" FROM "photo" "photo" LEFT JOIN "user" "user" ON "user"."id"="photo"."userId" WHERE "photo"."id"=$1 AND "photo"."place"=$2 -- PARAMETERS: [1,"seoul"]


    "id": 1,
    "url": "me.jpg",
    "place": "seoul",
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Timber"

Eager and Lazy Relations


With eager loading enabled on a relation, you don't have to specify relations in the find command as it will ALWAYS be loaded automatically. If you use QueryBuilder eager relations are disabled, you have to use leftJoinAndSelect to load the relation.


Eager relations only work when you use find* methods. If you use QueryBuilder eager relations are disabled and have to use leftJoinAndSelect to load the relation. Eager relations can only be used on one side of the relationship, using eager: true on both sides of relationship is disallowed.

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