📌NestJS docs
자바스크립트, 노드, 네스트, 타입스크립트를 활용해서 예외처리를 할 때 참고용
클라이언트 측에 보여주는 에러제목 리스트
각 예외들을 어떨 때 적용해야 할지는 HTTP 에러 목록을 참고하려 한다
MDN : HTTP status code
Built-in HTTP exceptions
Nest provides a set of standard exceptions that inherit from the base HttpException. These are exposed from the @nestjs/common package, and represent many of the most common HTTP exceptions:
- BadRequestException
- UnauthorizedException
- NotFoundException
- ForbiddenException
- NotAcceptableException
- RequestTimeoutException
- ConflictException
- GoneException
- HttpVersionNotSupportedException
- PayloadTooLargeException
- UnsupportedMediaTypeException
- UnprocessableEntityException
- InternalServerErrorException
- NotImplementedException
- ImATeapotException
- MethodNotAllowedException
- BadGatewayException
- ServiceUnavailableException
- GatewayTimeoutException
- PreconditionFailedException