Rendering Lists & Conditional Content

김민경·2023년 1월 29일

FE(WEB) - React

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Outputting Dynamic Lists of Content

filter 함수

const filteredExpenses = props.items.filter(expense => {
	return === filteredYear

map 함수

- key

Without keys, when adding a new item,
React renders the new item as the last item in the list of divs'
and updates all items and replace their content
in a way that matches the order of the items in the array

=> walks through all the item
and updates the content inside of every item

--> in perfermonce perspective it is inefficient
--> if the item is stateful component, there are possibility for bugs(because of overriding)

=> need keys for React to identify the items!

{, index) => (
    	⭐key = {}
        // using index is discouraged
        // since it can still run into bugs 
        // because the index for a given item is always the same
        // and not directly attached to the content of the item
    	title= {expense.title}
        amount = {expense.amount}
        date = {}


const DUMMY_EXPENSES = [{}, {}, ...] // 객체들로 이루어진 배열

const App =() => {
	const [expenses, setExpenses] = useState(DUMMY_EXPENSES)
    const addExpenseHandler = (expense) => {
    	// 이전 state 값에 의존하므로...
    	setExpenses((prevExpenses) => {
        	return [expense, ...prevExpenses];


Rendering Content under Certain Conditions

  • 삼항연산자
  • &&
  • 바깥으로 해당 component 빼기
let expenseContent = <p>No expenses found.</p>

if (filteredExpenses.length > 0) {
	expensesContent = => (
        	key = {}
            title = {expense.title}
            amount = {expense.amount}
            date = {}


return ( {expenseContent} )
  • (if what the component returns changes entirely) two return statements
const ExpenseList = (props) => {

	if (props.items.length === 0) {
    	return (...)
    return (...)

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