docs >
Create a new service account with the name pvviewer
. Grant this Service account access to list
all PersistentVolumes in the cluster by creating an appropriate cluster role called pvviewer-role
and ClusterRoleBinding called pvviewer-role-binding
.Next, create a pod called pvviewer
with the image: redis
and serviceAccount: pvviewer
in the default namespace.
ServiceAccount: pvviewer
ClusterRole: pvviewer-role
ClusterRoleBinding: pvviewer-role-binding
Pod: pvviewer
Pod configured to use ServiceAccount pvviewer ?
k create serviceaccount pvviewer
kubectl create clusterrole pod-reader \
--verb=get,list,watch \
kubectl create clusterrole pvviewer-role \
--verb=list \
템플릿 가져올때 꼭!! 서비스 어카운트도 있는거 가져오기
--serviceaccount=네임스페이스:서비스어카운트 이름
kubectl create clusterrolebinding myapp-view-binding \
--clusterrole=view \
kubectl create clusterrolebinding pvviewer-role-binding \
--clusterrole=pvviewer-role \
kubectl run pvviewer --image=redis -o yaml > rbac.yaml
k get clusterrolebindings pvviewer-role-binding
k describe clusterrolebindings pvviewer-role-binding
Name: pvviewer-role-binding
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Kind: ClusterRole
Name: pvviewer-role
Kind Name Namespace
---- ---- ---------
ServiceAccount pvviewer default
>> 마지막 질문 충족함.
유사 문제
💡Q. Create a new ClusterRole named deployment-clusterrole
, which only allows to create
the following resource types Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet
Create a new ServiceAccount named cicd-token
in the existing namespace aps.
Bind the new ClusterRole deployment-clusterrole
to the new ServcieAccount cicd-token,
linited to the namespace aps.
kubectl create ns aps
kubectl get ns
kubectl create serviceaccount cicd-token -n aps
k get serviceaccount -n aps
kubectl create clusterrole pod-reader \
--verb=get,list,watch \
kubectl create clusterrole deployment-clusterrole \
--verb=create \
--resource=Deployment,StatefulSet,DaemonSet -n aps
kubectl create rolebinding myapp-view-binding \
--clusterrole=view \
--serviceaccount=acme:myapp \
kubectl create rolebinding deployment-clusterrole-binding \
--clusterrole=deployment-clusterrole \
--serviceaccount=aps:cicd-token \
k get clusterrolebindings -n aps deployment-clusterolebinding
k describe clusterrolebindings -n aps deployment-clusterolebinding