Hibernate 1 - Hibernate로 Entity 정의하기 그런데 이제 Spring을 곁들인 (Relational mapping 하기)

yc999·2020년 11월 8일


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Prerequisite : Hibernate 0 - JBDC, JPA, Hibernate란?

Code First

-- PostgreSQL `comment` table
    account_id text NOT NULL, -- 사용자 아이디
    post_id integer NOT NULL, -- 원본 게시글 아이디
    content text NOT NULL, -- 댓글 내용
    like_cnt integer NOT NULL, -- 좋아요 카운트
    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, -- 생성된 시간
    depth smallint NOT NULL, -- 댓글, 대댓글 여부
    bundle_id integer NOT NULL, -- 댓글 타래 아이디, 원본 댓글 id를 가르킨다.
    PRIMARY KEY (id)
@Table(name = "comment")
public class Comment {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    private Integer id;

    @Column(name = "account_id")
    private String accountId;

    @Column(name = "post_id")
    private Integer postId;

    @Column(name = "content")
    private String content;

    @Column(name = "like_cnt")
    private Integer likeCnt = 0;

    @Column(name = "created_at")
    @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") // ISO-8601 formatting
    private ZonedDateTime createdAt = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("Asia/Seoul"));

    @Column(name = "depth")
    private Integer depth = 0;

    @Column(name = "bundle_id")
    private Integer bundleId;

Hibernate Relation Mapping

위의 코드에서는 Entity, Table, Id, GeneratedValue, Column annotation 들을 사용하여 PostgreSQL 에 있는 comment 테이블과 매핑을 정의하고 있다.

각 annotation들의 역할을 간단히 설명하자면 다음과 같다.

  • Entity : DB에 저장될 수 있는 자바 POJO로, DB에 저장되어 있는 테이블을 나타낸다. Entity instance는 테이블의 한 row를 나타낸다.

  • Table : Table annotation으로 정확히 어떤 테이블에 매핑 되는지 특정한다.

  • Id : Primary key를 정의한다. 모든 JPA entity는 반드시 primary key를 가지고 있어야 한다.

  • GeneratedValue : 이 annotation을 통해, identifier가 어떻게 생성되는지를 정의할 수 있다. 생성 방법에는 4가지 방법이 있다.

    • AUTO : JPA provider가 아무 방법이나 사용한다.
    • TABLE
  • Column : Table이 Table을 지정하는 것 처럼, Column은 Column을 지정한다. 다음과 같은 elements들을 사용할 수 있다

    public class Student {
        private Long id;
        @Column(name="STUDENT_NAME", length=50, nullable=false, unique=false)
        private String name;
    • name : column name을 알려준다
    • length
    • nullable
    • unique

JPA interface definition

위에서 살펴본 annotation들은 JPA에 interface의 형태로 정의되어 있다.

어떤 식으로 정의되어 있는지 구경만 해보자 인터페이스 이기 때문에 껍데기 밖에 없다.

// Entity
 * Specifies that the class is an entity. This annotation is applied to the
 * entity class.
 * @since 1.0
public @interface Entity {

	 * (Optional) The entity name. Defaults to the unqualified
	 * name of the entity class. This name is used to refer to the
	 * entity in queries. The name must not be a reserved literal
	 * in the Jakarta Persistence query language.
	String name() default "";
// Table
 * Specifies the primary table for the annotated entity. Additional
 * tables may be specified using {@link SecondaryTable} or {@link
 * SecondaryTables} annotation.
 * <p> If no <code>Table</code> annotation is specified for an entity 
 * class, the default values apply.
 * <pre>
 *    Example:
 *    &#064;Entity
 *    &#064;Table(name="CUST", schema="RECORDS")
 *    public class Customer { ... }
 * </pre>
 * @since 1.0
public @interface Table {

     * (Optional) The name of the table.
     * <p> Defaults to the entity name.
    String name() default "";

    /** (Optional) The catalog of the table.
     * <p> Defaults to the default catalog.
    String catalog() default "";

    /** (Optional) The schema of the table.
     * <p> Defaults to the default schema for user.
    String schema() default "";

     * (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on 
     * the table. These are only used if table generation is in 
     * effect. These constraints apply in addition to any constraints 
     * specified by the <code>Column</code> and <code>JoinColumn</code> 
     * annotations and constraints entailed by primary key mappings.
     * <p> Defaults to no additional constraints.
    UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints() default {};

     * (Optional) Indexes for the table.  These are only used if
     * table generation is in effect.  Note that it is not necessary
     * to specify an index for a primary key, as the primary key
     * index will be created automatically.
     * @since 2.1
    Index[] indexes() default {};
// Id
 * Specifies the primary key of an entity.
 * The field or property to which the <code>Id</code> annotation is applied 
 * should be one of the following types: any Java primitive type; 
 * any primitive wrapper type; 
 * <code>String</code>; 
 * <code>java.util.Date</code>; 
 * <code>java.sql.Date</code>; 
 * <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code>;
 * <code>java.math.BigInteger</code>.
 * <p>The mapped column for the primary key of the entity is assumed 
 * to be the primary key of the primary table. If no <code>Column</code> annotation 
 * is specified, the primary key column name is assumed to be the name 
 * of the primary key property or field.
 * <pre>
 *   Example:
 *   &#064;Id
 *   public Long getId() { return id; }
 * </pre>
 * @see Column
 * @see GeneratedValue
 * @since 1.0
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})

public @interface Id {}
// GeneratedValue
 * Provides for the specification of generation strategies for the
 * values of primary keys. 
 * <p> The <code>GeneratedValue</code> annotation
 * may be applied to a primary key property or field of an entity or
 * mapped superclass in conjunction with the {@link Id} annotation.
 * The use of the <code>GeneratedValue</code> annotation is only
 * required to be supported for simple primary keys.  Use of the
 * <code>GeneratedValue</code> annotation is not supported for derived
 * primary keys.
 * <pre>
 *     Example 1:
 *     &#064;Id
 *     &#064;GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="CUST_SEQ")
 *     &#064;Column(name="CUST_ID")
 *     public Long getId() { return id; }
 *     Example 2:
 *     &#064;Id
 *     &#064;GeneratedValue(strategy=TABLE, generator="CUST_GEN")
 *     &#064;Column(name="CUST_ID")
 *     Long id;
 * </pre>
 * @see Id
 * @see TableGenerator
 * @see SequenceGenerator
 * @since 1.0
@Target({METHOD, FIELD})

public @interface GeneratedValue {

     * (Optional) The primary key generation strategy
     * that the persistence provider must use to
     * generate the annotated entity primary key.
    GenerationType strategy() default AUTO;

     * (Optional) The name of the primary key generator
     * to use as specified in the {@link SequenceGenerator} 
     * or {@link TableGenerator} annotation.
     * <p> Defaults to the id generator supplied by persistence provider.
    String generator() default "";
// Column
 * Specifies the mapped column for a persistent property or field.
 * If no <code>Column</code> annotation is specified, the default values apply.
 * <blockquote><pre>
 *    Example 1:
 *    &#064;Column(name="DESC", nullable=false, length=512)
 *    public String getDescription() { return description; }
 *    Example 2:
 *    &#064;Column(name="DESC",
 *            columnDefinition="CLOB NOT NULL",
 *            table="EMP_DETAIL")
 *    &#064;Lob
 *    public String getDescription() { return description; }
 *    Example 3:
 *    &#064;Column(name="ORDER_COST", updatable=false, precision=12, scale=2)
 *    public BigDecimal getCost() { return cost; }
 * </pre></blockquote>
 * @since 1.0
@Target({METHOD, FIELD}) 
public @interface Column {

     * (Optional) The name of the column. Defaults to 
     * the property or field name.
    String name() default "";

     * (Optional) Whether the column is a unique key.  This is a 
     * shortcut for the <code>UniqueConstraint</code> annotation at the table 
     * level and is useful for when the unique key constraint 
     * corresponds to only a single column. This constraint applies 
     * in addition to any constraint entailed by primary key mapping and 
     * to constraints specified at the table level.
    boolean unique() default false;

     * (Optional) Whether the database column is nullable.
    boolean nullable() default true;

     * (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL INSERT 
     * statements generated by the persistence provider.
    boolean insertable() default true;

     * (Optional) Whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE 
     * statements generated by the persistence provider.
    boolean updatable() default true;

     * (Optional) The SQL fragment that is used when 
     * generating the DDL for the column.
     * <p> Defaults to the generated SQL to create a
     * column of the inferred type.
    String columnDefinition() default "";

     * (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. 
     * If absent the column is assumed to be in the primary table.
    String table() default "";

     * (Optional) The column length. (Applies only if a
     * string-valued column is used.)
    int length() default 255;

     * (Optional) The precision for a decimal (exact numeric) 
     * column. (Applies only if a decimal column is used.)
     * Value must be set by developer if used when generating 
     * the DDL for the column.
    int precision() default 0;

     * (Optional) The scale for a decimal (exact numeric) column. 
     * (Applies only if a decimal column is used.)
    int scale() default 0;


  1. Defining JPA Entities : https://www.baeldung.com/jpa-entities
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