editor : esc
project tool window shortcut : alt + 1
Run : shift + f10
go to line : ctrl + g
go to definition : ctrl + b
이전 화면으로 돌아가기 : shift + alt + left/right arrow
function parameter popup : Ctrl + p (default 로 1second 로 뜸)
Quick documentation pop up : Ctrl + Q || mousehover
Quick definition : Ctrl + shift + I
Auto completion : ctrl + space
Smart completion : ctrl + shift + space
move tabs : alt + ->
switcher : ctrl + tab
Next Error, Warning Action shortcut (문법 확인, Static analysis) :
Alt +F8
-> 자동 수정 : Alt + Shift + Enter
go to definition : ctrl + b
Load CMake change : ctrl + shift + o
intention action and quick-fix : alt + enter
Action : ctrl + shift + A
terminal : alt + f12
refactoring : shift + f6
다양한 plugin 활용 가능