Elements of Worls Knowledge (EWoK)

임재석·2024년 5월 19일


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Elements of Worls Knowledge (EWoK): A cognition-inspired framework for evaluating basic world knowledge in LMs

1. Introduction

  • LLM acquires a substantial amount knowledge from their training data

    • knowledge about language (world meaning, syntax)
    • knowledge about world (social conventions, physical properties of objects)
  • To check the robustness of the model's language

    • Elements of World Knowledge (EWoK)

      • several domains that constitute the foundation for basic human world knowledge

      • specific concepts within each domain

      • a set of item templates

      • a set of fillers to populate the templates (each templates to be used multiple times)

      • a pipeline to generate a specific set of items

  • Why Elements?

    • this targets specific cognitive targets (e.g. friend/enemy)
    • concept leveraged in context are the first-class object of the EWoK as opposed to individual sentences or facts
    • NLP benchmarks \rightarrow aim to evaluate knowledge based on individual items
    • individual item makes it hard to assess why a model fails
    • explicitly link the items with the concepts that they test
  • Why cognition-inspired?

    • selected a range of domains that have been shown to recruit dedicated cognitive and/or neural machinery in humans

      • intuitive physics
      • physical and spatial relations
      • intuitive number sense
      • social reasoning
      • reasoning about agents with both physical and social knowledge
    • present in preverbal infants

    • but language contains a rich amount of information that reflects grounded world knowledge \rightarrow LLMs might acquire the domain-specific knowledge from text alone

  • Why plausibility?

    • plausible vs implausible context-target pairs
    • plausibility \rightarrow serves as a proxy for factual accuracy (determines whether a given scenario makes sense)
    • an accurate world model is necessary for distinguishing the plausibility no matter how they are worded
  • Why minimal pairs?

    • contexts and targets in EWoK have a minimal-pairs design
    • target change results in an opposite result (plausible \rightarrow implausible)
    • help to identify specific manipulations that LLMs are sensitive and they are not
  • Why context-target combinations?

    • LLMs are very good at memorization \rightarrow many distinguishing can be done with their presence in the training data
    • this framework tests LLM's ability to evaluate contextual plausibility such that the same exact target's plausibility depending on the context

2. Related Work

  • commonsense benchmark
    • reporting bias in training data
  • Co-occurrence information easily available through perception is often underrepresented in language corpora
    • earlier LLMs failed
  • natural language inference and entailment
    • recognizing textual entailment (RTE)

    • natural language inference (NLI)

    • EWoK asks the plausibility within given context \rightarrow it might indicate an entailment

    • LLMs use heuristics to solve the task rather than the understanding

      • in EWoK, the task is posed as a minimal pair (one must be preferred over the alternative) \rightarrow making reliance on target plausibility alone is impossible
      • test which item design features drive model performance
      • test the relationship between the LLM performance and surface-level item properties (length, average work frequency, BoW model performance)
  • bAbi
    • similar design about world knowledge and reasoning
    • EWoK is more simpler design and harder in practice
  • minimal pair design
    • SyntaxGym, BLiMP, COMPS

    • Winograd Schema Challenge

    • EWoK used minimal pairs of pairs design

      • both context and target sentences have a minimal pair counterpart
  • assessing LM performance
    • until 2023, each item's log probability

      • effective at grammatical vs ungrammatical
      • plausible and implausible
      • relevant and irrelevant object properties
    • log probability shows the surface-level properties

    • Recently, to prompt an LLM to rate them plausibility

      • LLM performs worse in direct prompting than implicit log probability
      • in EWoK, both log probability and explicit prompting are used

3. The Framework

Item Format

  • Each item consists of two minimal pair contexts

    • C1C_1 : The piano is in front of Ali. Ali turns left.
    • C2C_2 : The piano is in front of Ali. Ali turns right.
  • Also, there are two target sentences

    • T1T_1 : The piano is right of Ali.
    • T2T_2 : The piano is left of Ali.
  • the two target items are juxtaposed such that

    • P(T1  C1)>P(T1  C2)P(T_1 \ | \ C_1) > P(T_1 \ | \ C_2) and P(T2  C1)<P(T2  C2)P(T_2 \ | \ C_1) < P(T_2 \ | \ C_2)
  • then the base target P(T1)P(T_1) and P(T2)P(T_2) can't serve as plausibility cues \rightarrow the model should rely on the given context

Domain and Concenpts

Dataset generation procedure

  • each concept is associated with several items that test knowledge of the concept (mostly contrasting with another concept)

  • flexible but controlled manner

  • atomic units and combination rules \rightarrow generation of templates with fillers

Contexts and Targets

  • target : a simple sentence that incorporates a concept

  • contrasting target pair is generated by

    • concept swap

      • {agent 1} is to the left of {agent 2}
      • {agent 1} is to the right of {agent 2}
    • variable swap

      • {agent 1} is to the left of {agent 2}

        • {agent 2} is to the left of {agent 1}
  • context pair : one or more minimal pair of sentences that is pared with a target pair

    • C1C_1 only matches with T1T_1 and C2C_2 only matches with T2T_2
    • typically an opposite concept pair (left/right) or single concept (left, with variable swap)
  • contrasting concept pair is generated by

    • filler swap

      • use contrasting fillers
    • variable swap

      • changes the positions of two entities of the same kind

Templates and Fillers

  • Each collection of concepts, contexts, targets can be compiled to as set of templates

  • partial items with types variables describing the range of fillers

    • {object2: can_bounce=True} bounced off {object1} from below
    • object1 can be the desk or the crate
    • object2 should be the object marked with can_bounce=True (the ball, the tire)
    • 500 filler items across 13 classes with 28 type restrictions
  • users can specify various custom parameters

    • number of items to generate from each template

      • full set of items \rightarrow "version"
    • whether fillers should be hold constant across all items in a version

    • apply transformations to filler restrictions at compile-time

      • agent \rightarrow agent:western=False
      • object \rightarrow nonword
  • this allows controlled experimentation of the features

4. Evaluation

  • with this framework, EWoK-CORE-1.0 is released by generating 5 unique fixed substitutions of filler items across 880 templates from 11 domains

  • evaluated with LogProb and two prompt-based methods LIKERT, CHOICE

    • LogProb outperforms the direct prompting
  • for the prompt-based evaluations

    • collected data from LLMs and humans using paired identical prompts

4.1. Scoring Metrics

  • LogPRobs

    • token-level LLM probabilities with sum of conditional log probs of each token
    • logPθ(T  C)=k=1nlogPθ(tk  C,t<k)\log P_{\theta}(T \ | \ C) = \sum_{k=1}^n \log P_{\theta}(\mathbf{t}_k \ | \ C, \mathbf{t}_{<k})

    • participants are prompted to reate the plausibility of each CiC_i and TjT_j pair on 1-5 scale

    • participants are given C1C_1, C2C_2 and a single target TT
    • participants should choose between C1C_1 and C2C_2 which better matches with TT
  • the metric for correctness fo given item is the recovery of the designed item structure

    • score(T1  C1)>score(T1  C2)score(T_1 \ | \ C_1) > score(T_1 \ | \ C_2) and score(T2  C1)<score(T2  C2)score(T_2 \ | \ C_1) < score(T_2 \ | \ C_2)
    • the score is different from method
  • find both C,TC, T matches \rightarrow 1.0 (full point)

  • find only one match \rightarrow 0.5 (half point)

    • in LIKERT, this is the case with the model gave same ratings
  • trivial 50% baseline for all scenario

4.2. Models

  • 20 transformer LMs

  • 1.3B-70B and different pretraining diet

  • 13 dense pretrained transformers

  • 4 instruction-tuned

  • 2 chat fine-tuned

  • 1 MoE

  • the model doesn't require specific formatting

4.3. Surface-level item properties

  • baseline: BoW with word2vec

  • scored with Cosine-Similarity

  • tested LLM with number of words in each item and average word frequency in an item with Google Ngrams

4.4. Human Data

  • 1262 participants (591 female, 579 male, 27 other)

  • median age 36

  • US-residents with first language Enalish

  • poor agreement with others were excluded

5. Release Considerations

  • reduce the chances of caccidental incorporation of EWoK into LLM's training data

  • promote accountability and reporting when such incorporation is done intentionally

6. Experiments

EWoK-CORE-1.0 is challenging for LLMs

  • even larger models generally perform much below humans

  • best one falcon-40b-instruct git 0.80 while human got 0.95

  • instruction tuning doesn't affect to the performance under LogProbs

Performance vaires drastically by domain

  • domain difficulty is consistent across LLMs

  • heterogeneous performance of the phi models

    • phi-1 is the worst
    • phi-1.5 outperforms all models and even humans on physical dynamics
    • phi-2 on par with the largest models on some domains to worst than gpt2-xl on spatial relations
    • possibly due to their unique training procedure (synthetic data)

LLMs show heterogeneous performance across dataset versions

  • in principle, these variables should not affect the results

  • phi-2 and phi-1.5 showed the largest performance range

  • humans showed somewhat heterogeneous performance too (driven only by a subset of the domains)

Domain content, item design features, and surface-level item features all affect LLM performance

  • they affected the performance often in a different ways than they affect humans

  • BoW baseline is predictive of LLM but not human

  • the number of words in an item negatively affects LLM but not model performance

  • word-frequenct is negatively affected to both LLM and human performance

    • this is because the hardest two domain (physical-relations and spatial relations) have the highest word frequency

  • jointly models all features using mixed effects regression
    • word frequency has a significant positive effect
    • the number of words has a significant negative effect
    • the domain is remained a significant predictor of performance

LogProbs yield higher accuracy than prompting

  • the gap was large in smaller models

Human ratings are often but not always accurate

  • sometimes the discrepancies between human ratings and experimental labels resulted from specific fillers changing the plausibility
    • The cooler is inside the car. Chao cannot see the cooler
    • this is implausible as the cooler is large and the car has windows
    • but the small object and the container without window is plausible
  • Human made mistakes
    • the bakery is north of Chao. Chao turns around. The baker is south of Chat.
    • this is implausible as cardinal directions don't depend on the agent's orientation

7. Discussion

  • the goal was to develop a dataset

    • uses a uniform item format to probe diverse domains of physical and social knowledge
    • contains items that probe specific concepts
    • requires integrating information across sentences
    • consists of generic templates that can be used to generate a wide variety of items
  • presented evaluation results

  • EWoK-CORE-1.0 is moderately challenging for LLMs

  • LogProbs contain enough information for most LLMs

  • Future Work

    • Targeted experiments

      • the flexibility of the framework allows specific experiments using customized sets of fillers
    • Interpretability research

      • Knowledge Editing research to basic physical and social concepts
    • From elements to world models

      • model to function as a flexible and robust general purpose AI system, it needs tob e able to construct, maintain and update internal world models
      • LLMs usage of internal world models is ongoing investigation
  • Limitations

    • written in English

    • same prompting setup for all models

      • with tailored prompt engineering, the performance can improve
    • some items are semantically weird

      • due to the synthetic nature of dataset

8. Conclusion

  • EWoK provides a way to evaluate the fundamental elements of workd knowledge

9. Comment

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