Elements of Worls Knowledge (EWoK): A cognition-inspired framework for evaluating basic world knowledge in LMs
1. Introduction
LLM acquires a substantial amount knowledge from their training data
- knowledge about language (world meaning, syntax)
- knowledge about world (social conventions, physical properties of objects)
To check the robustness of the model's language
Why Elements?
- this targets specific cognitive targets (e.g. friend/enemy)
- concept leveraged in context are the first-class object of the EWoK as opposed to individual sentences or facts
- NLP benchmarks → aim to evaluate knowledge based on individual items
- individual item makes it hard to assess why a model fails
- explicitly link the items with the concepts that they test
Why cognition-inspired?
selected a range of domains that have been shown to recruit dedicated cognitive and/or neural machinery in humans
- intuitive physics
- physical and spatial relations
- intuitive number sense
- social reasoning
- reasoning about agents with both physical and social knowledge
present in preverbal infants
but language contains a rich amount of information that reflects grounded world knowledge → LLMs might acquire the domain-specific knowledge from text alone
Why plausibility?
- plausible vs implausible context-target pairs
- plausibility → serves as a proxy for factual accuracy (determines whether a given scenario makes sense)
- an accurate world model is necessary for distinguishing the plausibility no matter how they are worded
Why minimal pairs?
- contexts and targets in EWoK have a minimal-pairs design
- target change results in an opposite result (plausible → implausible)
- help to identify specific manipulations that LLMs are sensitive and they are not
Why context-target combinations?
- LLMs are very good at memorization → many distinguishing can be done with their presence in the training data
- this framework tests LLM's ability to evaluate contextual plausibility such that the same exact target's plausibility depending on the context
- commonsense benchmark
- reporting bias in training data
- Co-occurrence information easily available through perception is often underrepresented in language corpora
- natural language inference and entailment
recognizing textual entailment (RTE)
natural language inference (NLI)
EWoK asks the plausibility within given context → it might indicate an entailment
LLMs use heuristics to solve the task rather than the understanding
- in EWoK, the task is posed as a minimal pair (one must be preferred over the alternative) → making reliance on target plausibility alone is impossible
- test which item design features drive model performance
- test the relationship between the LLM performance and surface-level item properties (length, average work frequency, BoW model performance)
- bAbi
- similar design about world knowledge and reasoning
- EWoK is more simpler design and harder in practice
- minimal pair design
- assessing LM performance
until 2023, each item's log probability
- effective at grammatical vs ungrammatical
- plausible and implausible
- relevant and irrelevant object properties
log probability shows the surface-level properties
Recently, to prompt an LLM to rate them plausibility
- LLM performs worse in direct prompting than implicit log probability
- in EWoK, both log probability and explicit prompting are used
3. The Framework
Each item consists of two minimal pair contexts
- C1 : The piano is in front of Ali. Ali turns left.
- C2 : The piano is in front of Ali. Ali turns right.
Also, there are two target sentences
- T1 : The piano is right of Ali.
- T2 : The piano is left of Ali.
the two target items are juxtaposed such that
- P(T1 ∣ C1)>P(T1 ∣ C2) and P(T2 ∣ C1)<P(T2 ∣ C2)
then the base target P(T1) and P(T2) can't serve as plausibility cues → the model should rely on the given context
Domain and Concenpts
Dataset generation procedure
each concept is associated with several items that test knowledge of the concept (mostly contrasting with another concept)
flexible but controlled manner
atomic units and combination rules → generation of templates with fillers
Contexts and Targets
target : a simple sentence that incorporates a concept
contrasting target pair is generated by
concept swap
- {agent 1} is to the left of {agent 2}
- {agent 1} is to the right of {agent 2}
variable swap
context pair : one or more minimal pair of sentences that is pared with a target pair
- C1 only matches with T1 and C2 only matches with T2
- typically an opposite concept pair (left/right) or single concept (left, with variable swap)
contrasting concept pair is generated by
filler swap
variable swap
- changes the positions of two entities of the same kind
Templates and Fillers
Each collection of concepts, contexts, targets can be compiled to as set of templates
partial items with types variables describing the range of fillers
- {object2: can_bounce=True} bounced off {object1} from below
- object1 can be the desk or the crate
- object2 should be the object marked with can_bounce=True (the ball, the tire)
- 500 filler items across 13 classes with 28 type restrictions
users can specify various custom parameters
number of items to generate from each template
- full set of items → "version"
whether fillers should be hold constant across all items in a version
apply transformations to filler restrictions at compile-time
- agent → agent:western=False
- object → nonword
this allows controlled experimentation of the features
4. Evaluation
with this framework, EWoK-CORE-1.0 is released by generating 5 unique fixed substitutions of filler items across 880 templates from 11 domains
evaluated with LogProb and two prompt-based methods LIKERT, CHOICE
- LogProb outperforms the direct prompting
for the prompt-based evaluations
- collected data from LLMs and humans using paired identical prompts
4.1. Scoring Metrics
- token-level LLM probabilities with sum of conditional log probs of each token
- logPθ(T ∣ C)=∑k=1nlogPθ(tk ∣ C,t<k)
- participants are prompted to reate the plausibility of each Ci and Tj pair on 1-5 scale
- participants are given C1, C2 and a single target T
- participants should choose between C1 and C2 which better matches with T
the metric for correctness fo given item is the recovery of the designed item structure
- score(T1 ∣ C1)>score(T1 ∣ C2) and score(T2 ∣ C1)<score(T2 ∣ C2)
- the score is different from method
find both C,T matches → 1.0 (full point)
find only one match → 0.5 (half point)
- in LIKERT, this is the case with the model gave same ratings
trivial 50% baseline for all scenario
4.2. Models
20 transformer LMs
1.3B-70B and different pretraining diet
13 dense pretrained transformers
4 instruction-tuned
2 chat fine-tuned
1 MoE
the model doesn't require specific formatting
4.3. Surface-level item properties
baseline: BoW with word2vec
scored with Cosine-Similarity
tested LLM with number of words in each item and average word frequency in an item with Google Ngrams
4.4. Human Data
1262 participants (591 female, 579 male, 27 other)
median age 36
US-residents with first language Enalish
poor agreement with others were excluded
5. Release Considerations
6. Experiments
EWoK-CORE-1.0 is challenging for LLMs
even larger models generally perform much below humans
best one falcon-40b-instruct git 0.80 while human got 0.95
instruction tuning doesn't affect to the performance under LogProbs
Performance vaires drastically by domain
in principle, these variables should not affect the results
phi-2 and phi-1.5 showed the largest performance range
humans showed somewhat heterogeneous performance too (driven only by a subset of the domains)
Domain content, item design features, and surface-level item features all affect LLM performance
they affected the performance often in a different ways than they affect humans
BoW baseline is predictive of LLM but not human
the number of words in an item negatively affects LLM but not model performance
word-frequenct is negatively affected to both LLM and human performance
- this is because the hardest two domain (physical-relations and spatial relations) have the highest word frequency
- jointly models all features using mixed effects regression
- word frequency has a significant positive effect
- the number of words has a significant negative effect
- the domain is remained a significant predictor of performance
LogProbs yield higher accuracy than prompting
- the gap was large in smaller models
Human ratings are often but not always accurate
- sometimes the discrepancies between human ratings and experimental labels resulted from specific fillers changing the plausibility
- The cooler is inside the car. Chao cannot see the cooler
- this is implausible as the cooler is large and the car has windows
- but the small object and the container without window is plausible
- Human made mistakes
- the bakery is north of Chao. Chao turns around. The baker is south of Chat.
- this is implausible as cardinal directions don't depend on the agent's orientation
7. Discussion
the goal was to develop a dataset
- uses a uniform item format to probe diverse domains of physical and social knowledge
- contains items that probe specific concepts
- requires integrating information across sentences
- consists of generic templates that can be used to generate a wide variety of items
presented evaluation results
EWoK-CORE-1.0 is moderately challenging for LLMs
LogProbs contain enough information for most LLMs
Future Work
8. Conclusion
- EWoK provides a way to evaluate the fundamental elements of workd knowledge
실제 세계에 대한 모델의 '이해'를 테스트 하려고 만든 데이터셋. 범용성이 있고 공들여 만든 것으로 보이지만 더 적절한 평가 방법이 있으면 좋을 것 같음.