Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks

임재석·2025년 1월 2일


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1. Introduction

  • PLMs learn a substantial amount of in-depth knowledge from data
    • it can't expand or revise their memory
    • can't straightforwardly provide insight into their predictions
    • hallucination
  • Hybrid Models (REALM, ORQA)
    • parametric + non-parametric (retrieval-based)
    • seq2seq transformer + vector index + pre-trained neural retriever \rightarrow RAG
    • per-sequence bases vs. per-token basis
    • This can be fine-tuned on any seq2seq task (generator and retriever are jointly learned)

  • Enrich systems with non-parametric memory

    • parametric and non-parametric components are pretrained and pre-loaded
    • using pre-trained access mechanisms, accessing knowledge without additional training is possible
  • Works well with Knowledge-Intensive Tasks

    • Humans could not reasonably be expected to perform without access to an external knowledge source

2. Methods

  • xx (input sequence) \rightarrow zz (text documents) \rightarrow yy (target sequence)
    • pη(zx)p_{\eta} (z | x) : retriever (returns top-K distributions)
    • pθ(yix,z,y1:i1)p_{\theta}(y_i | x, z, y_{1:i-1}) : generator
    • zz as a latent variable

2.1 Models


  • pRAG-Sequence(yx)=ztop-k(p(x))pη(zx)pθ(yx,z)p_{\text{RAG-Sequence}} (y|x) = \displaystyle \sum_{z \in \text{top-}k(p(\cdot|x))} p_{\eta}(z|x) p_{\theta}(y | x, z)

  • uses the same retrieved document to generate the complete sequence


  • pRAG-Token(yx)=iNztop-k(p(x))pη(zx)pθ(yix,zi,y1:i1)p_{\text{RAG-Token}} (y|x) = \displaystyle \prod _i ^N \sum_{z \in \text{top-}k(p(\cdot|x))} p_{\eta}(z|x) p_{\theta}(y_i | x, z_i, y_{1:i-1})

  • draw a different latent document for each target token

  • generator to choose content form several documents when producing an answer

  • computes a distribution for the next output token for each document

  • used for sequence classification \rightarrow target class as a length-one sequence

2.2 Retriever: DPR

  • pη(zx)exp(d(z)q(x))p_{\eta} (z | x) \propto \exp({\mathbf{d}(z)^{\top}}\mathbf{q}(x))

  • used BERT as d(z)\mathbf{d}(z) and q(x)\mathbf{q}(x)

  • MIPS: Maximum Inner Product Search Problem

  • document index: non parametric memory

2.3 Generator: BART

  • BART-Large 400M (seq2seq transformer)

  • simply concatenate zz and xx

2.4 Training

  • jointly train retriever and generator without any direct supervision on the document

  • NLL Loss, Adam, SGD

  • only trained query encoder and generator

2.5 Decoding

  • RAG-Token uses standard beam-decoder

  • RAG-Sequence performs beam-search for each doeument

  • Through Decoding vs. Fast Decoding

3. Experiments

  • Wikipedia as document index (100 token chunk, 21M documents)


  • k = 5 or 10

  • Open Domain QA, Abstractive QA, Jeopardy QA (non-standard QA format, fact to entity), Fact Verification (retrieve from Wikipedia and reason whether the given claim is true)

  • Natural Questions / TriviaQA / WebQuestions / CuratedTrec \rightarrow Exact Match Scores

  • MSMARCO NLG task v2.1 (only question and answer)

  • SearchQA \rightarrow SQuAD-tuned Q-BLEU-1

  • FEVER \rightarrow label accuracy

4. Results

Open Domain QA

  • Extract < Generate
    • document with only clue not the exact answer

Abstractive QA

  • RAG is more diverse thatn BART, less hallucinative

  • SotA models access gold passages while RAG is not

  • many questions are unanswerable without gold passages

  • not all questions are answerable from Wikipedia alone

Jeopardy Question Generation

  • RAG-Token can perform well as it uses multiple documents

  • parametric and non-parametric memory work together

Fact Verification

  • document retrieved by RAG is the gold evidence in FEVER

Additional Reuslts

  • Diversity
  • Retrieval Ablations

  • Index Hop-swapping

    • Changed from Wikipedia 2018 to DrQA Wikipedia dump
  • Retrieving more documents

    • didn't observe significant differences and performances

5. Discussion

  • Hybrid generation models with access to parametric and non-parametric memory

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