command | discription | option |
pwd | to check current location | |
mkdir | to creat a new folder | |
ls | to print a list of folders or files in current directory | -l, -a, -al |
cd | to move to designated directory | |
touch | to creat a new file | |
echo | to print a following content on the screen | |
> | to store the executed result as files | echo hello > hi.txt |
cat | to print contents of a file to the terminal | |
rm | to delete folders or files | -r, -f, -rf |
mv | 1. to move folders or files to a new location 2. to rename the folders or files |
cp | to copy folders or files | |
sudo | to obtain administrator privileges |
💥There are no process.2 above in copy process
by combining these symbols, you can use [chmod] command
<chmod a=rw # -rw-rw-rw-
chmod g+x # -rwxrw-rw-
Second, Absolute Method.
chmod 744 # -rwxr--r--