[WIL] Sesac 1주차


New Learnings

  1. XCode Areas: Navigator, OutlineView, Interface Builder, Editor, Inspector
  2. Below iOS13, AppDelegate managed all the lifecycle, but above iOS13, iPadOS was released so there was need for SceneDelegate because iPad supports multiple scenes for one app.
    • AppDelegate manages app launch, termination, and process lifecycle.
    • SceneDelegate manages UI lifecycles such as Foreground/Background state
  3. UIKit
    • UIView
      • UILabel
      • UIButton
      • UIImageView
    • UIViewController
      • UITableViewController
      • UIPageViewController
    • UIFont
      • systemFont
    • UIColor
      • systemRed
  4. Cocoa Touch Framework: Apples top level framework for developing Apple devices. Contains tools such as camera, advertisement, contacts, notification etc.
  5. Foundation Framework: primitive data types, collections, files, network
  6. IBOutlet, IBAction errors can be mostly resolved by looking at the connection inspector area and manually deleting/managing each connections for each view.
  7. @discardableResult tag allows use of function without returning it.
  8. FrameBasedLayout vs AutoLayout: Multiple device sizes required new type of layout system.

  1. Adaptive Layout: Use Size Class, Trait Collection to create UI from storyboard for iOS and iPadOS
  2. SizeClass: Since designing separately for all devices is inefficient, Apple uses regular and compact size classes.
    • Regular & Compact Width & Height (22)
      1. Regular Width * Regular Height
      2. Regular Width * Compact Height
      3. Compact Width * Regular Height
      4. Compact Width * Compact Height


AutoLayoutPractice 를 통해 3~4가지 화면들을 만들어보았다. 그 과정에서 한번에 여러 뷰들의 레이아웃을 잡으려니 에러도 많이 겪었는데 나름 노하우가 생기는것 같다. 먼저 큰 틀들 위주로 잡고 안을 하나씩 잡는게 효율적이다고 느꼈다.

1개의 댓글

2023년 7월 24일

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