트랜스포트 계층 프로토콜은 서로 다른 호스트에서 동작하는 애플리케이션 프로세스들에게 논리적 통신 (Logical Communication)을 제공한다.논리적 통신은 호스트간에 직접 연결된것 처럼 보인다는걸 의미한다. Transport layer protocols are
UDP transport proticol only adds source, dest port number and two other small fields. Since there is no handshaking, it is called \*connectionless.\*D
RDT over perfectly reliable channel: RDT 1.0Trivial rdt1.0 assumes channel is reliable.스크린샷 2022-10-12 오후 2.48.15.pngRDT over channel with Bit
3.7.1 Classic TCP Congestion Control Approach taken by TCP was to limit the sending rate by perceiving the network congestion level. This approa
Forwarding: Router local action of moving the packet from input link interface to the output link interface.Routing: Network-wide process that determi
There are four router components:Input Ports: performs several key functions. Terminates incoming physical link at the router, link layer inter - oper