ProseMirror Guide (4)

정현석·2020년 12월 5일


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Document transformations

Transforms are central to the way ProseMirror works. They form the basis for transactions, and are what makes history tracking and collaborative editing possible.


Why can't we just mutate the document and be done with it? Or at least create a new version of a document and just put that into the editor?

There are several reasons. One is code clarity. Immutable data structures really do lead to simpler code. But the main thing the transform system does is to leave a trail of updates, in the form of values that represent the individual steps taken to go from an old version of the document to a new one.

The undo history can save these steps and apply their inverse to go back in time (ProseMirror implements selective undo, which is more complicated than just rolling back to a previous state).

The collaborative editing system sends these steps to other editors and reorders them if necessary so that everyone ends up with the same document.

More generally, it is very useful for editor plugins to be able to inspect and react to each change as it comes in, in order to keep their own state consistent with the rest of the editor state.


Updates to documents are decomposed into steps that describe an update. You usually don't need to work with these directly, but it is useful to know how they work.

Examples of steps are ReplaceStep to replace a piece of a document, or AddMarkStep to add a mark to a given range.

A step can be applied to a document to produce a new document.

console.log(myDoc.toString()) // → p("hello")
// A step that deletes the content between positions 3 and 5
let step = new ReplaceStep(3, 5, Slice.empty)
let result = step.apply(myDoc)
console.log(result.doc.toString()) // → p("heo")

Applying a step is a relatively straightforward process—it doesn't do anything clever like inserting nodes to preserve schema constraints, or transforming the slice to make it fit. That means applying a step can fail, for example if you try to delete just the opening token of a node, that would leave the tokens unbalanced, which isn't a meaningful thing you can do. This is why apply returns a result object, which holds either a new document, or an error message.

You'll usually want to let helper functions generate your steps for you, so that you don't have to worry about the details.


An editing action may produce one or more steps. The most convenient way to work with a sequence of steps is to create a Transform object (or, if you're working with a full editor state, a Transaction, which is a subclass of Transform).

let tr = new Transform(myDoc)
tr.delete(5, 7) // Delete between position 5 and 7
tr.split(5)     // Split the parent node at position 5
console.log(tr.doc.toString()) // The modified document
console.log(tr.steps.length)   // → 2
Most transform methods return the transform itself, for convenient chaining (allowing you to do tr.delete(5, 7).split(5)).

There are transform methods for deleting and replacing, for adding and removing marks, for performing tree manipulation like splitting, joining, lifting, and wrapping, and more.


When you make a change to a document, positions pointing into that document may become invalid or change meaning. For example, if you insert a character, all positions after that character now point one token before their old position. Similarly, if you delete all the content in a document, all positions pointing into that content are now invalid.

We often do need to preserve positions across document changes, for example the selection boundaries. To help with this, steps can give you a map that can convert between positions in the document before and after applying the step.

let step = new ReplaceStep(4, 6, Slice.empty) // Delete 4-5
let map = step.getMap()
console.log( // → 6
console.log( // → 2 (nothing changes before the change)

Transform objects automatically accumulate a set of maps for the steps in them, using an abstraction called Mapping, which collects a series of step maps and allows you to map through them in one go.

let tr = new Transaction(myDoc)
tr.split(10)    // split a node, +2 tokens at 10
tr.delete(2, 5) // -3 tokens at 2
console.log( // → 14
console.log(  // → 3
console.log( // → 9

There are cases where it's not entirely clear what a given position should be mapped to. Consider the last line of the example above. Position 10 points precisely at the point where we split a node, inserting two tokens. Should it be mapped to the position after the inserted content, or stay in front of it? In the example, it is apparently moved after the inserted tokens.

But sometimes you want the other behavior, which is why the map method on step maps and mappings accepts a second parameter, bias, which you can set to -1 to keep your position in place when content is inserted on top of it.

console.log(, -1)) // → 7
The reason that individual steps are defined as small, straightforward things is that it makes this kind of mapping possible, along with inverting steps in a lossless way, and mapping steps through each other's position maps.


When doing more complicated things with steps and position maps, for example to implement your own change tracking, or to integrate some feature with collaborative editing, you might run into the need to rebase steps.

You might not want to bother studying this until you are sure you need it.

Rebasing, in the simple case, is the process of taking two steps that start with the same document, and transform one of them so that it can be applied to the document created by the other instead. In pseudocode:

stepA(doc) = docA
stepB(doc) = docB
stepB(docA) = MISMATCH!
rebase(stepB, mapA) = stepB'
stepB'(docA) = docAB

Steps have a map method, which, given a mapping, maps the whole step through it. This can fail, since some steps don't make sense anymore when, for example, the content they applied to has been deleted. But when it succeeds, you now have a step pointing into a new document, i.e. the one after the changes that you mapped through. So in the above example, rebase(stepB, mapA) can simply call

Things get more complicated when you want to rebase a chain of steps over another chain of steps.

stepA2(stepA1(doc)) = docA
stepB2(stepB1(doc)) = docB
???(docA) = docAB

We can map stepB1 over stepA1 and then stepA2, to get stepB1'. But with stepB2, which starts at the document produced by stepB1(doc), and whose mapped version must apply to the document produced by stepB1'(docA), things get more difficult. It must be mapped over the following chain of maps:

rebase(stepB2, [invert(mapB1), mapA1, mapA2, mapB1'])
I.e. first the inverse of the map for stepB1 to get back to the original document, then through the pipeline of maps produced by applying stepA1 and stepA2, and finally through the map produced by applying stepB1' to docA.

If there was a stepB3, we'd get the pipeline for that one by taking the one above, prefixing it with invert(mapB2) and adding mapB2' to the end. And so on.

But when stepB1 inserted some content, and stepB2 did something to that content, then mapping stepB2 through invert(mapB1) will return null, because the inverse of stepB1 deletes the content to which it applies. However, this content is reintroduced later in the pipeline, by mapB1. The Mapping abstraction provides a way to track such pipelines, including the inverse relations between the maps in it. You can map steps through it in such a way that they survive situations like the one above.

Even if you have rebased a step, there is no guarantee that it can still be validly applied to the current document. For example, if your step adds a mark, but another step changed the parent node of your target content to be a node that doesn't allow marks, trying to apply your step will fail. The appropriate response to this is usually just to drop the step.

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